Blueprint 5.x: In the Blueprint Administrator under the Terminals I do not have a TAB to configure the Terminal
  • 23 Apr 2024
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Blueprint 5.x: In the Blueprint Administrator under the Terminals I do not have a TAB to configure the Terminal

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Article summary


In the Blueprint Administrator under the Terminals I do not have a TAB to configure the Terminal, it is missing.


Blueprint 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3


When trying to change a Terminals' settings in the Blueprint Administrator the TAB under Terminals for the configuration specific items is not present and missing. The steps below will help re-install the Terminal Config file back into the system.

  1. Close the Blueprint Administrator before installing the Terminal Schema.

  2. Locate the Terminal Config files located in the directory below.


  3. Copy and paste the one you do not have a Config TAB for to the directory below. In the above screen shot we will use the one called "Lexmark iMFP 2.6.0" for our example below.

    32-bit: C:\Program Files\PharosSystems\Blueprint\bin

    64-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\PharosSystems\Blueprint\bin

  4. Open an Admin Command Prompt and navigate to the directory above where you copied the file to and run the below command to re-install the schema file.

    %systemroot%\Microsoft.Net\framework\v4.0.30319\installutil.exe /TerminalConfigFile="file_name_of_config_file_goes_here" PharosSystems.Blueprint.TerminalPlugins.Ini.dll

    Example: %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil.exe /TerminalConfigFile="Lexmark iPR.terminal.3.0.10.config" PharosSystems.Blueprint.TerminalPlugins.Ini.dll

    Note: The TerminalConfigFile is an XML file but the file extension should be .config, so simply rename it to this before you run the command.

  5. The TerminalConfigFile file will then be installed and moved from the \bin directory to the

    "C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\Blueprint\TerminalPlugins" directory.

  6. Open the Blueprint Administrator and create your Terminal. You should now have the “Configuration” TAB for the specific Terminal Type back.  

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