- 09 Apr 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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Blueprint Print Center Delegate Printing
- Updated on 09 Apr 2024
- 2 Minutes to read
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- DarkLight
Delegate Printing enables users to print documents on behalf of someone else. A user can nominate another user or users (known as delegates) to release their jobs from any Pharos-managed device. For example, a Manager can ask their Assistant to print documents on their behalf.
Print Center-based Delegate Printing was introduced in Blueprint Enterprise 5.2 Service Pack 2.2.
You can find more information about Delegate Printing in the Blueprint Pharos Print Center Guide.
The Delegate Printing tab in Print Center allows users to:
add delegates
view delegates
remove delegates
disable or enable Delegate Printing (per delegator)
Enabling Delegate Printing in Blueprint Administrator
Delegate Printing must be enabled at Blueprint Administrator before print jobs can be delegated. To enable Delegate Printing in Blueprint Administrator for employees, go to the Print Center > Settings section and select the Allow employees to have Delegates option. There is also an option to enable Delegate Printing for guests (called Allow Guests to have Delegates).
Adding Delegates
A user should have an existing account in the Active Directory to be added as a Delegate.
Delegators can add up to a maximum of 10 delegates only.
To add delegates:
Log in to Print Center.
Go to the Delegate Printing > Delegates tab.
Click on the Add button. The Add a Delegate dialog box opens.
In the text field, enter part of the name or email address of the person that you want to add as a Delegate, and then click Search.
Select the desired user, and then click the Add button.
Click Save Changes.
Deleting Delegates
In the Delegate Printing tab, select the delegate that you want to remove from the list. Notice that the selected row is highlighted.
Click the Remove button.
Click Save Changes.
The delegate will be removed from the list and will no longer be able to release your print jobs.
Disabling Delegate Print
If delegators want to print private or confidential documents i.e. documents that shouldn't be made available to all the assigned delegates, they can disable delegate printing by making sure that the "Manually assign delegates on a per job basis" option is selected in Print Center. When this setting is selected, all the assigned delegates will not be able to view or release any of the delegator's documents.
This option does not affect the entire Blueprint system. It only affects the delegates of the logged in delegator.
It is also possible for the delegator to disable Delegate Printing per delegate. This may be necessary if the delegator wants his or her documents made available to some delegates and not to other delegates. To do this:
Select the option "Automatically assign all enabled delegates when print jobs are submitted".
Select the delegate that you do not want to share the document with and then click the Disable button.
Delegate Printing FAQs
Why can't I see the Delegate Printing tab in Print Center?
The Delegate Printing tab may not have been enabled in Blueprint Administrator. Contact your administrator.
For Blueprint administrator: Enable Delegate Printing in Blueprint Administrator by checking on “Allow Delegates” under the Print Center > Settings section.
Why can't I add or find a delegate?
The user you are adding as a delegate may not be in the Active Directory. Only users who are in the Active Directory can be added as delegates.