Blueprint: Creating email alerts for non-System Health events.
  • 24 Apr 2024
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Blueprint: Creating email alerts for non-System Health events.

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Article summary


Create an email alert for a non-System Health event (failed publication, message alert, and so on).


Pharos Blueprint v4.1

Pharos Blueprint v4.2

Pharos Blueprint v5.0


No email alert sent for events that do not populate the "Overview" context.


Most any event that results in a record in a database table can create a notification using SQL Server's Database Mail function combined with a SQL trigger.

NOTE: SQL triggers may not be supported when performing database updates/upgrades due to a new version release of Pharos Blueprint software. It is also important that a full backup of the affected database be performed prior to running any scripts. It is highly advised to test any trigger in a non-production system prior to including it in production. A trigger can, based on its criteria, create an undue strain on server performance.

Here is a sample trigger that emails a user if a Publication fails:

USE psbprint
CREATE TRIGGER TP_PublicationFailed
ON DataTransformHistory
  declare @When datetime
  declare @Body varchar(2000)
  declare @ErrorText nvarchar(1024)
SELECT @When=LastRunDate
FROM inserted
WHERE Outcome=0
  set @Body='The publication initated on ' @When ' has failed with error message ' @ErrorText '.'
EXEC master..xp_send_dbmail
  @subject='Blueprint Publication Fail',

In order for this Trigger to work, xp_send_dbmail must be enabled and the server must be set up for an SMTP server. The Database Mail wizard (found in SQL Management Studio > SQL Server name > Management > Database Mail) will enable the core function and provide the Profile Name for the sample script (@profilename value). Once the SQL Server has been configured, run the following:

sp_CONFIGURE 'show advanced', 1
sp_CONFIGURE 'Database Mail XPs', 1

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