Pharos Blueprint Enterprise: Configuring the Print Scout or Tracker for verbose logging.
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Pharos Blueprint Enterprise: Configuring the Print Scout or Tracker for verbose logging.

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Article summary


How do I configure Blueprint Tracker for diagnostic logging?


  • Microsoft Windows Workstation

  • Pharos Blueprint Enterprise Tracker

  • Pharos Blueprint Print Scout


The Pharos Blueprint Enterprise Print Scout/Tracker installs a diagnostics and configuration utility called DiagTool.exe, for a run-down of all DiagTool's capabilities, see How do I use the Print Scout or Tracker Diagnostic Tool called DiagTool.exe?. It is used to put the application into a verbose diagnostics mode. See the instructions below to begin.

Launch a Command Prompt session as an administrator.

  1. Change your directory to:

    Blueprint Tracker:

    (Windows XP/32-bit Windows systems) C:\Program Files\PharosSystems\Blueprint\bin or (64-bit Windows systems) C:\Program Files (x86)\PharosSystems\Blueprint\bin.

    Blueprint Print Scout:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\PharosSystems\PrintScout

  2. Type the following command:

    diagtool.exe /loggingon /debuglevel:10

3. Perform the action that results in the undesired event.

NOTE: If you are being directed to capture Pharos Blueprint Tracker logs to support an abnormal page counting issue, you will also need to collect spool files for analysis:

Go to the Registry and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\PharosSystems\PageCounting.

  1. There’s a property, StoreFiles, whose value is set to 0 by default. Change this to a 1.

  2. For Blueprint 5.0-5.1: Restart the Pharos Systems ComTaskMaster service (and the Pharos Systems Secure Release Service if this is a Collector server).

  3. For Blueprint 5.2: Restart the Pharos Print Scout service (and the Pharos Systems Secure Release Service if this is a Collector server).

  4. The spool files will be stored in C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\Blueprint\PageCounting\Files (Tracker for Blueprint 5.0-5.1) or C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\PrintScout\PageCounting\Files (Print Scout for Blueprint 5.1 SP3 or 5.2) or C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\SecureRelease\PageCounting\Files (Collector for Blueprint 5.0-5.2). Include these files (ZIP or otherwise compress them first) when updating the incident.

Now, the log files need to be sent to Pharos Systems Technical Support:

The log files are stored, by default, within a hidden operating system folder. However, if you type the full path into Start > Run, you will be taken to the correct folder location. Otherwise, you can manage the View options for files and folder to show hidden files and folders.

File location for Windows XP/32-bit Windows systems:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PharosSystems\Blueprint\Logs

File location for 64-bit Windows systems:

  • Blueprint Tracker:


  • Blueprint Print Scout:


Generally, it is advisable to archive the entire Logs directory and its contents to a ZIP or RAR file prior to attaching the files to your Pharos incident/technical support request. This ensures that any large files are properly compressed, and also keeps all files together.

Once the files have been sent off for evaluation, the need for verbose logging has usually passed. To help return the workstation to a normal state:

  1. Launch a Command Prompt session as an administrator.

  2. Change your directory to:

    Blueprint Tracker:

    (Windows XP/32-bit Windows systems) C:\Program Files\PharosSystems\Blueprint\bin or (64-bit Windows systems) C:\Program Files (x86)\PharosSystems\Blueprint\bin.

    Blueprint Print Scout:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\PharosSystems\PrintScout.

  3. Type the following command:

    diagtool.exe /loggingoff

  4. Exit the command prompt.

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