How do I initiate SQL Server Profiling on SQL 2000 / 2005 / 2008?
  • 02 Apr 2024
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How do I initiate SQL Server Profiling on SQL 2000 / 2005 / 2008?

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Article summary

How do I initiate SQL Server profiling on SQL 2005 / 2000?

For SQL Server 2008:

  1. Click on the start menu -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -> Performance Tools - > SQLServer Profiler

  2. From the File menu choose "New Trace.."

  3. Connect to the Sever where Pharos database exists with the appropriate credentials.

  4. Select the Events Selection TAB > check the box Show All Events.

    1. Under Stored Procedures make sure the following are checked.


      -RPC: Completed

    2. Under T-SQL make sure the following are checked.



  5. Select Run and then replicate the scenario to capture the SQL information in the Trace window.

  6. Save the file as a Trace file and forward it to Pharos Support along with the version of SQL used.

For SQL Server 2005:

  1. Click on the start menu -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -> Performance Tools - > SQLServer Profiler

  2. From the file menu create a new trace

  3. Connect to the Sever where Pharos database exists with the appropriate credentials.

  4. Make sure the calls are being made in the background to be captured in the trace

  5. Under Trace Properties Select Show All Events

    -Under Stored Procedures tick the following


        -RPC: Completed

    -Under T-SQL tick the following



  6. Select Run and save the file as a Trace file and forward it to Pharos.

For SQL Server 2000:

  1. Click on the start menu -> Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server -> Profiler

  2. From the file menu create a new trace

  3. Connect to the Sever where Pharos database exists with the appropriate credentials.

  4. Make sure the calls are being made in the background to be captured in the trace

  5. Under the Events Tab

    Add the following for StoredProcedures:



    Add the following for TSQL:



  6. Select Run and save the file as a Trace file and forward it to Pharos.

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