- 05 Mar 2025
- 1 Minute to read
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- DarkLight
Sentry Print Service for Uniprint 9.2 Card Swipe Improvement configuration steps
- Updated on 05 Mar 2025
- 1 Minute to read
- Print
- DarkLight
When using an HP printer with Sentry Print and Uniprint 9.2 I experience one or more of the following behaviors.
1. Card swipe does log the user in after several card swipe attempts on a USB Proximity Card Reader. The reader beeps but nothing happens.
2. Card swipe eventually logs the user in after multiple attempts and several minutes have passed from swiping the card.
3. Card swipe does login the user but the value received from the device is the incorrect card data value from the USB Device which may or may not prompt the user to "Register" their card again.
Please Note: This configuration change is specific to HP printers only.
I need to add the Card Swipe Improvement configuration to Sentry Print Service used by Uniprint.
1. On all of your Uniprint Print Servers open the below file in notepad or your favorite text editor.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Pharos\SiteService\App_Data\generalSettings.config
The Default values look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<generalSettings file="">
<clear />
<!--if baseFqdn is left empty, service will use [running-computer-name].[domain]-->
<add key="baseFqdn" value="server.fqdn.domain" />
<add key="deploymentSvcAddress" value="Mps.Client.Mfp/MfpDeployment/MfpDeployment.svc" />
<add key="httpsPort" value="4321" />
<add key="installLocation" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Pharos\SiteService\" />
<add key="appdataLocation" value="C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\SiteService\" />
<add key="enableMetrics" value="false" />
<add key="statsdServerName" value="" />
<add key="statsdPort" value="8125" />
<add key="statsdPrefix" value="Pharos.Mps" />
<add key="customerBranding" value="pharos" />
<add key="useCloudAuthentication" value="false" />
<add key="enableCommonClientFinishingUI" value="false" />
<add key="enableLDAPSupport" value="false" />
2. What needs to be updated is to add this line below to that file.
<add key="hpAccessoriesLocalCardSwipeImprovement" value="true" />
3. Once it is added to the file the new file should look like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<generalSettings file="">
<clear />
<!--if baseFqdn is left empty, service will use [running-computer-name].[domain]-->
<add key="baseFqdn" value="server.fqdn.domain" />
<add key="deploymentSvcAddress" value="Mps.Client.Mfp/MfpDeployment/MfpDeployment.svc" />
<add key="httpsPort" value="4321" />
<add key="installLocation" value="C:\Program Files (x86)\Pharos\SiteService\" />
<add key="appdataLocation" value="C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\SiteService\" />
<add key="enableMetrics" value="false" />
<add key="statsdServerName" value="" />
<add key="statsdPort" value="8125" />
<add key="statsdPrefix" value="Pharos.Mps" />
<add key="customerBranding" value="pharos" />
<add key="useCloudAuthentication" value="false" />
<add key="enableCommonClientFinishingUI" value="false" />
<add key="enableLDAPSupport" value="false" />
<add key="hpAccessoriesLocalCardSwipeImprovement" value="true" />
4. Next, save this file in the same directory. Depending on Windows Permissions for saving files you might need to save it elsewhere and then copy it back to the above directory it needs to be in and ensure that it has the ".config" file extension.
5. Lastly, restart the Sentry Print Service, in Uniprint this is called "Pharos Systems Sentry Print Service" in the Windows Services Console.