Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.33
  • 05 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.33

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Article summary

The Print Center update is cumulative, including previous fixes and additional updates. It should be applied to Uniprint Suite 9.2 installations. The update affects Print Center and API, requiring a few minutes to complete. For servers with internet access, the update can be done through Pharos Administrator. For servers without internet access, the update file needs to be copied to specific locations. The update addresses issues with Sentry Print, performance improvements, security updates, and dependency requirements. The update also requires MobilePrint version 2.5.0 or later and the Site Security Utility to be run on all Pharos API servers. Additionally, DotNet Core 6 hosting bundle is necessary for Sentry Print functionality.

Print Center updates are cumulative. This limited release update includes the previously released Print Center 5.0.32 update plus additional fixes.

Before You Start

This hot-fix should be applied to installations using Uniprint Suite 9.2. The Print Center and API update will affect the use of Print Center for the time it takes to perform the update. This should only take a few minutes to complete.


The update affects the Print Center and should be applied to all machines running the Pharos API Service and Print Center Web components.

The Print Center is offered as an update via the Updater Service in Pharos Administrator

For Servers with Internet access:

  1. Open the Pharos Administrator application and access the Updater Service context under System.

  2. Click to Download and Install the update for Print Center API and Web Services version

For Servers without access to the Internet, the update can be applied as follows:

  1. Copy the Uniprint.PrintCenter. file and paste into the following location on the Principal Server (the server hosting the Pharos Database Service):


    Note: Copying the package file onto the Principal Server will make the package available to all Pharos API Servers on the site. If you are unable to copy the package to the Principal Server, then it will need to be copied to the same ..\cache-v2.0\ location on each Server where the Pharos API is installed.

  2. Open the Pharos Administrator application and access the Updater Service context under System.

  3. The Print Center package should now be listed as an update for all Print Center/Pharos API machines.

  4. Click to Download, and then Install the package on all Pharos API Servers.

Note: If you have the Print Center Web component installed on a separate ARR web server, you will need to manually update the Web Server component to complete this update. To do so, copy the Print Center MSI installer from the Pharos\Bin folder on the Pharos API server to the Pharos\Bin folder on the ARR server. Then run the MSI on the ARR server.

The application of this update constitutes acceptance of the conditions specified in your license agreement. To view the license agreement, please refer to the license.rtf file on your Pharos CD.


This update addresses the following issues:

  • Sentry Print affected by Device restrictions in Print Center. An issue has been addressed where users could not log on to Sentry-secured devices if the user was restricted from printing to the Sentry device via the Print Center. Users can now log on to Sentry terminals regardless of Print Center access permissions.

  • Sentry Print performance improvement when listing jobs. A performance improvement has been added for listing jobs at a Sentry device to assist when listing a large number of jobs.

  • Security Update. This update includes the previously released 5.0.26 and later Security updates and requires MobilePrint version 2.5.0 or later (if used).

  • Site Security Utility. If this utility was not applied along with update 5.0.26 or later security updates, it should be run on all Pharos API servers. The tool and instructions can be downloaded from Uniprint Service Packs and Hot Fixes

  • Dependency requirement update. Sentry Print functionality is now dependent on DotNet Core 6. Securing of devices for Sentry Print will not function unless the dotnet-hosting-6.0.15-win.exe hosting bundle (or a later version of 6.x) is installed on Pharos API Servers. The dotnet-hosting bundle can be found on the Uniprint hot fixes downloads page: Uniprint Service Packs and Hot Fixes

For details on improvements and bug fixes to the Print Center, please see the 9.2 Release Notes information in the Pharos Help Center

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