Update Print Scout Driver to the HP PCL6 Universal Driver
  • 05 Apr 2024
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Update Print Scout Driver to the HP PCL6 Universal Driver

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Article summary

  1. Download and extract the Windows Print Scout package from the Beacon web portal.

  2. Open Setup.ini.

  3. Add the highlighted line:



    SecurePrinterName=HP Secure Printer

  4. Download the HP print driver using the appropriate URL:

    32-bit package:


    64-bit package:


  5. Copy PrinterDriver_x32.zip and/or PrinterDriver_x64.zip into the Print Scout installer folder.

  6. The Print Scout installer folder will contain the following files: 


    PrinterDriver_x32.zip (and/or) PrinterDriver_x64.zip 



  7. Launch PrintScoutInstaller.exe to install the Print Scout.

  8. The Print Scout Configuration app will launch upon completion of the Print Scout installer.

  9. Select File > Create Deployment Settings file to create the deployment settings file.

  10. Open directory C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\PrintScout\Deployment.

  11. Copy PrinterDriver_x32.zip and/or PrinterDriver_x64.zip into this folder. 

  12. The Windows Print Scout deployment package is ready for use with a deployment tool like SCCM.

  13. The deployment packager folder will contain the following files:


    PrinterDriver_x32.zip (and/or) PrinterDriver_x64.zip 


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