When printing in Uniprint the device is reported to be in an "Offline State".
  • 10 Apr 2024
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When printing in Uniprint the device is reported to be in an "Offline State".

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Article summary


When priting to a Device using Uniprint the printer itself is being seen as "Offline" in Uniprint. Users may see the "No suitable printer is available, the printer is reporting an Offline State" error message. There is also an Alert that is seen in the Pharos Administrator > System > Alerts section when this happens.

Information :

The reason the Pharos sees the device as "Offline" is because the device itself is failing the SNMP Online State Check for some reason. We can't tell you why the device is not passing the SNMP Online State Check.

The attached PDF document contains the details on how Uniprint uises SNMP to check the status of the device before we attempt to connect to it and deliver the print job to the device. If the device fails this check we will not send the print job to the device as long as the Online State Check is enabled for the device.

Note : If the device reports its status back via SNMP as a failure or success intermittently please contact your printer vendor so they can help troubleshoot why the device responds with a success/failure intermitently, the device may need some type of maintenance.

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