Uniprint Suite - locating the version and site code
  • 10 Apr 2024
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Uniprint Suite - locating the version and site code

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How do I locate the Uniprint Suite version and site code?


How to locate the Uniprint version and Site Code

Uniprint version 8.x and greater

  1. Open Pharos Administrator.

  2. On the Left hand side of the MMC (Microsoft management Console) expand the System Tree

  3. Select License Limits.

  4. Expand the middle section of License Summary for your Site Code and License Expiry Date.           (See attached screen shot "Administrator-License2.PNG")    

Product Version

  1. Open Pharos Administrator.

  2. From the Help menu choose "About Pharos Administrator" to view installed Product Version.

Uniprint version 6.0 - 7.x

  1. Open Pharos Administrator.

  2. From the Help menu choose "About Pharos Administrator".

  3. The installed products and their version numbers are displayed.

Site Code   

  1. Open Pharos Administrator.

  2. From the Help menu choose "Site License" to view the Site Code.

Note: If the Pharos Help menu does not display the Pharos version and Site Code information (pre-version 6.0), follow the steps below:

Uniprint version

  1. Open SQL Server Query Analyzer.

  2. Select the Pharos Database.

  3. Run the following query.

     select * from system

In the displayed results of the SQL Query, look in the table for columns called "version_major, version_minor and build_number." These three columns combined are the Pharos version.

For instance, if you see:

  Site Code

version_major of 5

version_minor of 2

build_number of 1950

then the Uniprint version is 5.2.1950

     select * from system

In the displayed results of the SQL Query, look in the table for the column called "License_quick_key." This is the Site Code.

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