Is the Omega Copier Adaptor Cable working?
  • 04 Apr 2024
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Is the Omega Copier Adaptor Cable working?

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Is the Omega Copier Adaptor Cable working?

The Copier Adaptor Cable that connects the Omega CopyLink to the Copier's Foreign Device Interface (FDI) is designed and manufactured for each make and model of copier. There are a large number of copier FDI's to cater for and new models of copiers are arriving all the time so matching the Copier Adaptor Cable to your copier may require confirmation. The Copier Learner Mode on the Omega is designed to help the installer confirm that the Copier Adaptor Cable is wired correctly and then match up the Copier Price lines to the signals produced by the Copier's FDI.

Pharos supplies 2 class of Copier Adaptor Cables:

  1. Simple cable that enables/disables the copier and counts one type of copy attribute. e.g. US Letter.

  2. Advance cable that enables/disables the copiers and counts many types of copy attributes e.g. paper size, color or black&white, simplex or duplex. The copier's FDI dictates what attributes can be detected by the Omega CopyLink.
    The first step in the Copier Learner "Configuring the copier interface" confirms that the Omega CopyLink can enable the copier and count at least 1 pulse.

Confirm that the copier is enabled by:

  1. Checking that the CopyLink is showing a green light and a orange power light.

  2. Checking that the copier allows you to make a copy.

If the copier does not allow you to make a copy then:

  1. Confirm that the FDI is configured correctly. You may need help from the copier technician.

  2. Confirm that the cable is correct by presenting the Copier Adaptor Cable number and make and model of the copier to Pharos support.

Once the copier is enabled you can make a test copy in step 1.
"Configuring the copier interface". You must see at least 1 pulse before proceeding. If you do not have at least 1 pulse then:

  1. Confirm that the FDI is configured correctly. You may need help from the copier technician.

  2. Confirm that the cable is correct by presenting the Copier Adaptor Cable number and make and model of the copier to Pharos support.

If you still cannot get pass step 1 then:

  1. Your Omega Copier Adaptor Cable may have a manufacturing fault. Ask Pharos support for help to confirm the pin outs of the cable.

  2. The cable needs redesigning. Ask Pharos Support to arrange another cable design.

Once you have passed Step 1 you can proceed to the advance testing page to find what copy attributes the Omega CopyLink can determine from the copiers FDI.

The Copier Learner can detect double pulse attributes and level changing attributes on the FDI. Sometimes the installer may try to detect different attributes but the Copier Learner does not detect different attributes. You may view the signals the are detected at each copier training steps by clicking the view button. If there are no signal differences between each of the Copier Learner steps then:

  1. You may need an advance Omega Copier Adapter Cable.

  2. Or the copier FDI does not present the attribute you are trying to detect.

The Copier Learner is design to detect most copier types of FDI signals. Sometimes it fails but the Omega Copier configuration can still be set up to detect the copy attributes by careful examination of the copier training step signals. You can send the measured signals to Pharos support for evaluation by:

  1. Browse to Omega Web Admin > System > Files  context

  2. Download files /etc/station/training.spec and /etc/station/copierTraining.sets

  3. Send files to Pharos support.

  4. Pharos support can upload these files into an Omega and view the signals detected directly for evaluation and recommend configuration values"

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