Logging the Pharos Popup Client on Windows workstations.
  • 19 Mar 2024
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Logging the Pharos Popup Client on Windows workstations.

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Article summary

How do you log the Pharos Popup Client on Windows workstations?

 The attached registry keys will enable logging or disable the Popup Client logging. Below is a copy of the instructions that are included in the attached .ZIP file.

These two registry files will enable logging of 4 client components used by Popups and Notify.


  1. Extract and apply the registry keys to a client machine that has Popups installed.

  2. Create a folder called PharosLogs in the C:\Windows\Temp directory. The logs will be written to C:\Windows\Temp\PharosLogs.  This can be changed either in the registry or by modifying the registry keys before adding them to the system.

  3. Restart the "Pharos Systems ComTaskMaster" service.

  4. Verify that the log file below has been created.

    1. C:\Windows\Temp\PharosLogs\ComTaskLog.txt  

    Note: In each of the registry keys there is a line that looks like below for the path where the log files will be written to, it must have the double backslashes in it. The "Disable" set of registry keys simply removes the filepath\filename from the registry as this is what controls whether or not creates a log file.  


  5. The remaining log files will be created when the Popup client is triggered as well as the notify log when Notify dialog is triggered.

    1. C:\Windows\Temp\PharosLogs\PopupMonitorLog.txt

    2. C:\Windows\Temp\PharosLogs\PopupClientLog.txt

    3. C:\Windows\Temp\PharosLogs\NotifyLog.txt

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