Pharos Blueprint: Enabling the display of the print job owner on a Pharos terminal (iMFP or Omega PS-150/PS-200)
  • 01 Mar 2024
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Pharos Blueprint: Enabling the display of the print job owner on a Pharos terminal (iMFP or Omega PS-150/PS-200)

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I'm using Pharos Blueprint Secure Release Here (SRH). How can I make the terminal display the print job's owner on the Pharos terminal?

By default, a Pharos terminal (any iMFP, an Omega PS-150, or Omega PS-200) attached to Pharos Blueprint for Secure Release Here (SRH) does not display the name of the user (also known as "owner") who submitted the print job. However, if utilizing the "delegate printing" ability through the authentication script, the ability to see who owns the print job is necessary. To enable the display of the owner when listing jobs, use the following procedure. This procedure assumes the use of Pharos Blueprint 4.2.

  1. Set up the terminal as you normally would in Blueprint Administrator.

  2. On the Collector or Analyst (whichever is hosting the EDI service), locate the terminal's ".terminal.config" file. In Windows 2003, this would be in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PharosSystems\Blueprint\TerminalPlugins. In Windows 2008, this would be in C:\Program Data\PharosSystems\Blueprint\TerminalPlugins. For this example, the Omega PS200.1.0.1.terminal.config file will be used.

  3. Move this file to the Blueprint \Bin directory (C:\Program Files\PharosSystems\Blueprint\Bin; on 64-bit systems, start in C:\Program Files (x86)).

  4. In NotePad or other text editor, look for this section:
              <Property ReadOnly="false" Clonable="true" Advanced="false" Hidden="false" Type="boolean">
                   <IniLabel>show print job owner</IniLabel>
                   <Name>Show Print Job Owner</Name>
                   <Override ProductName="Blueprint">
                        <Property Hidden="true">

  5. Edit this section to remove the <Override> group. An edited example is shown below:
              <Property ReadOnly="false" Clonable="true" Advanced="false" Hidden="false" Type="boolean">
                   <IniLabel>show print job owner</IniLabel>
                   <Name>Show Print Job Owner</Name>

  6. Save this change and exit the text editor.

  7. In a Command Prompt window that is running as an Administrator, navigate to the Pharos Blueprint \Bin directory.

  8. Execute the following command:
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\InstallUtil.exe /TerminalConfigFile="Omega PS200.1.0.1.terminal.config" PharosSystems.blueprint.TerminalPlugins.Ini.dll
    Note that this example assumes that Microsoft Windows is installed to the Windows directory. Also, replace the file name (shown in blue) with the .terminal.config file that has been moved and edited.

  9. Back in Blueprint Administrator, go to Devices > Terminals and select the terminal.

  10. Click its terminal schema tab (in this example, the "Omega PS200 Configuration" tab was clicked).

  11. Find the "Printer" section and enable (check the box for) "Show Print Job Owner" and then click "Apply" to set the change.

It will be a few moments before the terminal gets a refreshed download from the EDI service. However, once it is pushed, the list of jobs displayed after logging in will list the print job's owner.

Note: This knowledge base article mentions a function called "delegate printing." Delegate printing allows a user to print another's job(s). For example, an administrative assistant can be authorized to print his jobs as well as those of the people he supports. This function is enabled through modification of an authentication script along with user modifications in the database. Please contact Pharos Systems Technical Support for a list of prerequisites and how to implement the function should you wish to implement delegate printing.

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