Pharos Updater service does not update the Pharos Administrator application to the newer version 9.0.8959.157 R2.
  • 28 Mar 2024
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Pharos Updater service does not update the Pharos Administrator application to the newer version 9.0.8959.157 R2.

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Article summary


Updater service already downloaded newer version of the ".nupkg" file for Pharos Adminisrator application and there is an "Install" button available. But when I click Install, close Pharos Administrator then re-open the Pharos Administrator application, the Install icon still there and Pharos Administrator is still running the original version (9.0.8959.30 R2).


  1. Stop Pharos Updater Service.

  2. Delete the latest Pharos administrator .nupkg file by following the 2 steps below (a & b).

    a. Go to  C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\UpdaterService\cache folder and delete PharosSystems.Updater.Service.9.0.8959.157.nupkg b. Go to C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\UpdaterService\packages folder and delete Uniprint.Administrator.9.0.8959.157 folder.

  3. Start the Pharos Updater Service.

  4. Go to Updater Service and click Refresh button in the right panel of Pharos administrator.

  5. Click Download and Install Pharos administrator.

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