Uniprint Notify fails on Windows 10 Build 1909
  • 28 Mar 2024
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Uniprint Notify fails on Windows 10 Build 1909

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Article summary


Windows 10 Build 1909 no longer displays the System Notifications produced by the Uniprint Popup Client in the "Action Center" (Windows System Tray notifications). If the user logs out then back in again to the OS those missing Notify Notifications will then be present and can be seen in the "Action Center".


Windows 10 Build 1909
Uniprint 9.0 and greater 


While there is no root cause for the behavior seen on Windows 10 Build 1909 there is a very simple and configurable workaround, to use a "Job Information" Script that produces a Dialog Window with an OK button the user can visually see and accept.

See attached script at the bottom that can be applied to the "Job Information" Plug-in Event on the Print Service.

NOTE: This behavior was not found on the most recent Windows 10 release, being "Build 2004 May 2020 Update". 

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