SignUp Nerve Center installed on the same server as Microsoft Exchange
  • 03 Apr 2024
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SignUp Nerve Center installed on the same server as Microsoft Exchange

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Article summary

Where the SignUp Nerve Center is installed on the same server as Microsoft Exchange, opening Web Outlook causes the following error message:

“Source: DAVEX EventID: 104, Description: This server is running IIS applications in the same isolated process mode as IIS 5.0. To make all services required by Microsoft Exchange Available on this server, you must run IIS applications in the IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode. Worker process isolation mode is the default setting for new installations on Windows Server 2003. To manually switch to worker isolation mode:

  1. On the desktop of a Windows Server 2003 server, click Start, then click Programs, then Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS).

  2. In the IIS console, double click the name of your server.

  3. Right click Web Sites, and then click Properties.

  4. Click the Service tab, and then in the isolation mode group box, clear the Run Web Services in IIS 5.0 isolation mode check box. After you switch modes, the World Wide Web service is restarted”

However, if these steps are performed, the Nerve Center produces “Out of Memory” errors.

At the moment exchange requires IIS 6.0 worker process isolation mode to operate. The Pharos Nerve Center requires Application isolation mode to operation correctly. This is because the com objects that have been used require this particular functionality. This means that Microsoft Exchange and Pharos Nerve Center cannot operate on the same server.

Pharos will review this in the future releases of the product as we understand that this is now the default IIS operating mode. We expect this will be included in one of our release updates which happen regularly throughout the year

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