Uniprint 9.1 Release Notes Summary (All Updates)
  • 24 Jun 2024
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Uniprint 9.1 Release Notes Summary (All Updates)

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Article summary

This document provides a summary of all Release Notes for Uniprint 9.1 Service Packs. Uniprint updates are cumulative; improvements and fixes in previous update versions are included in subsequent updates.

Pharos Administrator

Service Pack 3 (Revision 615)

  • Addressed an issue where Pharos Administrator or Remote may hang on Windows 10 build 2004 or later.

  • Addressed an issue where the Transaction exporter fails to export transactions in a system configured to accept connections over only TLS 1.1 and/or TLS 1.2. This update includes the latest version of the ExpTrans.exe application that can cope with TLS 1.2. When the Transaction exporter runs on a machine where Pharos Database Service and/or Pharos Reports application is not installed and TLS 1.2 is enforced, ensure to install the SQL Native Client. The SQL Native Client installer is found in the Pharos CD image under common\win32\sqlncli.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 604)

  • The Allow Guests Accounts property has been renamed to Show Guest Login Link. This property determines whether to display the guest login link on the Print Center login page.

  • Support for Guest logon when SSO is enabled. In previous versions, guest users were not able to logon to the Print Center when SSO was enabled. To support guest accounts, the Print Center application has been updated to allow guest users to log on to the Print Center application when SSO authentication is enabled. If SSO is enabled, guest users must log on using a separate direct link URL: https://servername/myprintcenter#login. Other user roles can also be given permission to use this direct link instead of logging on via SSO. These settings are configured in the System > System Settings context of Pharos Administrator. This feature requires Pharos Administrator 9.1.9700.604 or later.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 588)

  • Addressed an issue in the Devices context where it is not possible to set Access Times on a device for more than 20 User Groups.

  • Addressed an issue of showing error status in the Dashboard context for inactive server services. This update now ignores the state of inactive server services in the Dashboard context.

  • The Pharos Administrator K-base context has been updated, it now shows the new Pharos community link.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563)

  • The System > Server Configuration context of Pharos Administrator shows the new Pharos IPP Service when it is installed.

  • The System Settings > Network tab now includes the new Pharos IPP Service showing the port that the service listens on and the timeout value.

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504)

  • Support for SNMPv3 protocol has been added. The SNMPv3 connection parameters are added in the Output Management > Devices context.

  • In previous versions, when a Popup Package includes the Automatic Updater, if the package is installed by directly running the platform-specific version of the package (for-x86.exe or for-x64.exe) and not by using the "Autodetect" package (for_Lte.exe), then the package is automatically re-installed after the Popup Client is first used for print job, because the Automatic Updater fails to recognize it as being the current version. The fix causes the system to correctly detect that the package (built using the new Package Builder) is the latest version and does not need to be updated or re-installed.

  • Improved namespace support when loading metadata for SSO. Entity IDs for sites with namespaces in the federation metadata will now be correctly listed in the System > System Settings > Print Center context.

  • Increased the maximum length of user passwords (from 32 to 255 characters) when setting them in the Users > Accounts context.

  • Increased the maximum value of the Length property for password-type questions in the Output Management > Popup Questions context.

Service Pack 1 (Revision 455)

The following lists the changes to the Pharos Administrator for Service Pack 1:

  • Added the Expiry Date property to Grants in the Charging > Third Party Charging > Charging Models context. If an expiry date is specified in this setting, after that date the Grant will be automatically disabled. If no date is provided, the Grant will continue to work as before (i.e. The Grant stops working when the Grant Budget is depleted).

  • Added a new option called Attempt SSO logon immediately in the System > System Settings > Print Center context. When this setting is enabled, a user who is not already authenticated is automatically redirected to the SSO authentication site. If not enabled, the user is shown the Print Center login page before being redirected to the SSO authentication site.

  • A new setting called Use FQDN for Service Provider Entity ID has been added in the System Settings context. This setting determines whether to use the server’s fully qualified domain name entity ID. By default, the Pharos API generates the service provider’s Entity ID using the server’s short name.

  • Added a new permission (called Cost Centers in Print Center) in the Basic Permission View of the Permissions context to manage the cost center assignments for users in Print Center.

  • Addressed the issue of allowing to edit read-only properties using the keyboard on the Pharos Administrator and the Pharos Remote.

  • If both Pharos Administrator and Pharos Remote applications are installed on the same machine, applying the new Administrator package will update the Pharos Remote application as well.

  • The Batch User Load application has been updated to use the standard letter case (e.g., arrears is converted to Arrears) in the billing option, both on inserting and on updating users’ data.

Pharos Print Center


  • Print Center updates are cumulative; improvements and fixes in previous update versions are included in subsequent updates.

  • In the case where you have the Print Center web component installed on a separate ARR Web Server, you will need to manually update the Web Server component to complete the update. Copy the Print Center MSI installer from the Pharos\Bin folder on the Pharos API server to the Pharos\Bin folder on the ARR server and run the MSI there.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services 4.11.23

Security Update - Mandatory. Includes a security update to address a known security issue and must be applied to all Pharos API Servers. Please note:

  • Following the application of this update the 'Restart Pharos API' button (to apply SSO changes) under Print Center Settings in the Pharos Administrator application will no longer work.

  • This update requires MobilePrint version 2.5.0 or later (if used).

  • Site Security Utility. A new tool is available to use with 4.11.23 or later Print Center/Pharos API. This optional but recommended tool adds further protection to credentials used by the Pharos API for communication between Pharos API instances and for MobilePrint communication with Pharos API. The tool and instructions can be downloaded from Uniprint Service Packs and Hot Fixes

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services 4.11.22

MobilePrint Gmail Authorization security changes - The Print Center has been updated to support changes in MobilePrint 2.4.4, using Google Mail as the Incoming Mail Server. Google has introduced additional security measures which affect new setups of MobilePrint and the renewal of authorization tokens. These changes result in authorization attempts being blocked by Google when configuring MobilePrint to use Google Mail (currently authorized instances continue to function). This update implements the required changes to work with Google's new security measures. This Print Center update requires MobilePrint 2.4.4 or later if using Google Mail for email job submission. (Requires MobilePrint 2.4.4 or later to support Google Mail configuration.)

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services 4.11.20

  • Print jobs stuck 'updating'. An issue in where jobs listed in the Print Center could appear stuck in (updating) state has been resolved.

  • Pharos Print App. The Print Center application is updated to address the misalignment of job icons and details in the job list tab when viewed with the latest iOS updates.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services

The following are included in this update:

  • Duplex native jobs. An issue where Duplex native jobs (i.e. submitted via Popups or UNC printing) displayed with simplex page counts in the Pharos Print Center and the Print Center Release Station has been resolved.

  • Print Center Release Station. The Print Center Release Station has been updated to display a running total of selected print jobs when run in Huge or Large mode, to match what is shown in Regular size mode.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services

  • The Print Center application is updated to address the misalignment of job icons and details in the job list tab when viewed with the latest iOS updates.

  • The Print Center application is updated to report additional attributes from the CAS system.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services

This update addresses an issue where the Print Center 4.11.14 could fail to load due to a missing Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth assembly. This issue only occurs on Uniprint sites with Beacon components on their servers.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services

Security Updates. SameSite cookie enforcement and additional security improvements have been added. Cookie management improvements have also been added.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services 4.11.9

Fixed an issue with handling unexpected PayPal responses. If a transaction process ever results in a non-standard response, the Payment Notification Processor will re-queue the transaction to attempt the confirmation again rather than failing the transaction.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services 4.11.8

Preview function using the Pharos Print App. Addressed an issue with the print preview option in the Print Center application when used on mobile devices (using the Pharos Print App or mobile browser).

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services 4.11.7

  • Office 365 OAuth support for MobilePrint. The Print Center application is updated to allow configuration of Office 365 OAuth settings, available in MobilePrint 2.4.1 or later.

  • Support for Guest logon when SSO is enabled. The Print Center application is updated to allow guest users to log on to the Print Center application when SSO authentication is enabled. Guests log on using a separate direct link URL: https://servername/myprintcenter#login. Other user roles can also be given permission to use this direct link instead of logging on via SSO. These are configured in the System > System Settings context of Pharos Administrator. This requires Pharos Administrator 9.1.9700.604 or later.

  • Added the Hide Cost in Job list checkbox in the Theme > Visibility tab of Print Center. This allows hiding the Cost column in the Job List tab.

  • Addressed an issue in handling the Access Times values based on a user's user group.

  • Keyboard accessibility improvements. The User facing pages of the Print Center application have been updated to support Keyboard accessibility.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services 4.11.3

IPP Service Status Check. IT administrators can now check the status of the Pharos IPP Service(s). A new Service Status button has been added to the Admin > Chrome Print tab of Pharos Print Center.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services 4.11.2

  • New Touchless Printing: Support is added for print release by QR code scan. The new Admin > QR Codes tab allows creation and download of QR codes for printers and an option to enable the feature and the QR scanner button in Pharos Mobile applications. This feature requires mobile users to update their Pharos Mobile Applications (Pharos offers both Android and iOS "Pharos Print" app). Non-app users can scan QR codes using their device camera and connect via web browser.

  • Updated support for Chromebook printing. The new Admin > Chrome Printing tab includes options to configure settings for printing from the new Pharos Chrome extension on Chromebooks. For more information, please refer to the Pharos Chrome Print Technote.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563) Print Center API and Web Services 4.11.1

  • Added Google Gmail, Outlook 365 (Exchange), and POP3 email authentication support for MobilePrint. IMAP is no longer the only supported email protocol. This requires MobilePrint 2.4 or later.

  • Added support for printing from Chromebook or Chrome browsers. For information about Pharos Chrome Print, refer to the Technote Pharos Chrome Print in the Community.

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504) Print Center API and Web Services 4.8.6

  • New MobilePrint authentication options. - Added Google GMail, Outlook 365 (Exchange), and POP3 email authentication support for MobilePrint. IMAP is no longer the only supported email protocol. This requires MobilePrint 2.4 or later.

  • Security improvements to the Print Center including improvements for securing cookies. Some cookies created by third party components were not configured to prevent transmission over insecure channels. This update addresses this issue.

  • Addressed an issue of displaying the Add Funds link on Mobile devices in Portrait mode. After applying this update, the link displays correctly in both landscape and portrait mode.

For more details, please refer to the Print Center 4.8 Release Notes for more information.

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504) Print Center API and Web Services 4.8.4

Addressed the issue of displaying the warning icon on the Theme tab under certain circumstances. After applying this update, the warning icon is no longer displayed.

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504) Print Center API and Web Services 4.8.3

  • SSO - SHA1 support. Recent updates to the .NET framework can cause SHA1 signed messages to be rejected. While we recommend a more secure signature algorithm, this update will allow SHA1 signatures to be accepted.

  • SSO - Namespace support improvement. Entity IDs for sites with namespaces in the federation metadata will now be correctly listed in the System > Settings > Print Center context of the Pharos Administrator. Note that this only affects sites using federation.

  • Password length when creating users. The Admin > Users tab, Create and Update users dialogs now accept up to 255 characters for passwords.

  • Printer selection on Android devices. Addressed an issue in the Job List tab, particularly on Android devices, where an unintended printer can be accidentally selected while scrolling through the printer list.

Service Pack 1 (Revision 455) Print Center API and Web Services 4.4.5

  • Previous versions of Pharos Print Center set the paper size of the Google cloud queue to A4 by default, with no way of changing this default. This update changes the default paper size to Letter and provides an option to change it. The Admin > Google Cloud Print tab now includes a section to configure Print Queue Settings. For more information, please refer to the TechNote Google Cloud Print document.

  • The Pharos Google Cloud Print Connector service could experience high CPU usage when the connection to Google Cloud Print was aborted. This update resolves that issue.

  • The Shibboleth Identity attribute configured in Pharos Administrator provides three aliases for commonly-used OIDs. This caused some confusion when configuring attributes using those alias names literally. This update adds the ability to enclose names in double quotes to avoid having them treated as aliases. For example, if your SSO system returns an attribute literally called 'uid', you can configure this in the Pharos Administrator by entering "uid"(including quotes).

For more details, please refer to the Pharos Print Center 4.4 Guide for more information.

Service Pack 1 (Revision 455) Print Center API and Web Services 4.4.4

Addressed an issue in 4.4.3 where the Pharos API Service was unable to start after upgrading to Service Pack 1 when the database name is not pharos. Systems already successfully updated to 4.4.3 as part of Service Pack 1 need not have this update applied.

Service Pack 1 (Revision 455) Print Center API and Web Services 4.4.3

  • By default, the Pharos API generates the Single Sign-on Entity ID of the service provider using the short name of the server. This update adds a new option in the System Settings > Print Center context of Pharos Administrator to use the server's fully qualified domain name.

  • Adds the ability to configure the SSO logon to automatically redirect the user to the SSO authentication site if not already authenticated. This feature is controlled by the new setting Attempt SSO logon immediately in the System Settings > Print Center context in Pharos Administrator.

  • The Theme > Visibility tab includes a new option to hide/show the version number of Print Center on the logon screen.

  • The Theme > Text tab includes a new section called Release Station Messages, which allows you to customize Logon and Card Swipe messages for the Pharos Station: Print Center mode. Additionally, you can change the font color of the Logon Message in the new section called Release Station Logon in the Theme > Colors tab.

  • The Admin > Users tab includes the new Cost Centers button, which allows users with the appropriate privileges to manage a user's Cost Center assignments.

  • When using the Pharos Station: Print Center mode, sometimes the print documents are not listed intermittently. This update resolves this issue.

  • Additional support for TLS 1.2 has been added for 'Add Funds' Credit Card Gateway providers.

Print Center API and Web Services 4.0.2

The following lists bug fixes and new features introduced in Print Center 4.0.2.

  • The Google Cloud Print feature introduced in Print Center 4.0 requires that user accounts must be in the Pharos database and have an associated Google email address to identify the cloud jobs. This update includes the new self-registration feature for Google Cloud Print. If self-registration is enabled, when a user submits a document to print via Google Cloud Print, and the user's email address is not in the Pharos Database, the user receives an email to self-register. For more details, please refer to TechNote: Google Cloud Print.

  • Addressed an issue in the Admin > Users tab and the Custom Charge create dialog, where filtering user fails to find a user if the username contains special characters (e.g. hyphen).

  • Addressed an issue in the MobilePrint > Email Server tab where the fields are reset to original values every few minutes if not saved.

  • Addressed an issue for CyberSource Payment Gateway users where the Add Funds link fails to load the Payment Gateway UI correctly, preventing a user from entering required information such as the user's credit card details.

  • Bug fixes and improvements in the Theme tab.

  • Addressed an issue where Administrator and possibly Cashier or Proctor level users might see an unnecessary error message when releasing jobs at the PPC Release Station or in the Queued Jobs tab of the PPC.

  • Addressed an issue in which the GCP email registration fails following upgrade from earlier versions, where MobilePrint was already configured for email support.

Print Service

Service Pack 3 (Revision 621)

Addressed an issue with scripting functionality where a job copied using PrintJob.Copy was not listable. This fix also requires Secure Release Service version 4.19.5 or later.

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563)

Added support for Pharos Chrome printing.

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504)

Added support for SNMPv3

Service Pack 1 (Revision 455)

The Print Service includes the following fixes to Third Party Charging

  • When using different costing for cost centers and user accounts, print jobs listed at EDI Terminals could sometimes show a cost center cost rather than the user's personal cost. This Service Pack resolves this issue.

  • When using the Pharos Station: Print Center mode, with differential costing for cost center jobs, the Pharos Station now shows an updated cost when switching between cost center and personal account charging.

Database Schema

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563)

  • Updated the Pharos database to support Chromebook printing

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504)

  • Updated the Pharos database to support SNMPv3 protocol.

Service Pack 1 (Revision 455)

  • Fixed a performance issue in the SQL stored procedure for handling cost centers at terminals.

  • Improved error message handling in the SQL stored procedure for incorrect configuration in PayPal.

  • Permission related tables are updated with new records to support the new function Cost Center permissions in the Print Center application.

Database Service

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563)

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504)

Supports the database schema changes in Uniprint 9.1 SP2.

Update to the Database Service to support the database schema changes in 9.1 SP3.

Service Pack 1 (Revision 455)

Supports the database schema changes in Uniprint 9.1 SP1.

Secure Release Service

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563)

  • Added support for Chromebook printing

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504)

  • Added support for SNMPv3.

  • Addressed an issue where an extra page of unnecessary popup data may be printed, when the print documents are submitted via Popup Client application.

Service Pack 1 (Revision 455)

Robustness improvements in the case of corrupt jobstore database files and when restarting the service in offline conditions.

Updater Service

Service Pack 3 (Revision 563)

Standard Updater Service updates.

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504)

Standard Updater Service updates.

Service Pack 1 (Revision 456)

Addressed an issue where the Updater Service log file (packageDiscovery.log) continues to grow. With this update the log file is now limited in size and is created in \ProgramData\PharosSystems\UpdaterService\Packages folder, and the previous log file under C:\Windows\SysWoW64 is deleted.

Service Pack 1 (Revision 455)

Standard Updater Service updates.

Popup Service

Service Pack 2 (Revision 504)

Improved robustness of the service under load balancing environment.

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