Uniprint Suite - install package error "Failed to initialize the Installer Helper DLL: Unable to get a list of ports"
  • 19 Mar 2024
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Uniprint Suite - install package error "Failed to initialize the Installer Helper DLL: Unable to get a list of ports"

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[2007/06/05 11:45:53 PFB0 T41C Controller] [CRunInstructions::DoStep] A PSException was caught: "Failed to Enumerate Ports, Error Code=1722"

[2007/06/05 11:45:55 PFB0 T41C Controller] [CControllerApp::KillFileLog]


Failed to initialize the Installer Helper DLL: Unable to get a list of ports: The data area passed to a system call is too small.

Check to see if Pharos Popup client has been installed on the Pharos Server.

If so:

Uninstall the Popup client from the server

Rebuild the Packages.

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