Uniprint Suite - Error: Failed to initialize PsInst32 DLL: Unable to get a list of ports: The operation completed successfully
  • 28 Mar 2024
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Uniprint Suite - Error: Failed to initialize PsInst32 DLL: Unable to get a list of ports: The operation completed successfully

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Article summary

I receive the following error message when installing Popups:

"Error: Failed to initialize PsInst32 DLL: Unable to get a list of ports: The operation completed successfully"

  1. Run the PopupModule.exe module.

  2. Make the initial registry modification of adding the Uniprint driver:

    1. Set the registry key:

      SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Print Processors\Uniprint

      1. Create a new key called Uniprint (key)

      2. Within that key create a new string called driver

      3. Paste the following dll into that value unipcpnt.dll

      4. Restart the print spooler service

    2. Start Spooler service. The registry entry should be entered in order to successfully uninstall the old version.

    3. Reboot

  3. Then restart in safe mode and delete the Pharos & PharosSystems folders.

  4. Reboot, and run the PopupModule.exe again.

  5. You should be able to see the LPT1 & PharosPort ports and add a printer.

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