Print Center: When loading MyPrintCenter I get a version mismatch error
  • 25 Jun 2024
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Print Center: When loading MyPrintCenter I get a version mismatch error

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Article summary


When I go to our sites MyPrintCenter web site I get the below error about a mismatch in versions.


This happens most often for one of two reasons.

Reason #1: The web browser has a cached version of the MyPrintCenter web site.

Step: Clear the web browser cache and files and reload the web page.

Reason #2: The Uniprint Print Center web application is installed on a different server than the one hosting the PharosAPI service in IIS. To update the Print Center Web Site on the server hosting it you can follow the below directions.

  1. Log on to Uniprint Print Server machine that has Pharos API installed, and then navigate to the install directory (typically the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Pharos\Bin but you might have installed the application to a different volume\folder).

  2. Copy the PharosPrintCenterSetup.msi installer to the server hosting the Print Center Web application.

  3. On the server in step 2 above that has Pharos Print Center installed with the ARR setup or the server that lives in a DMZ, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Pharos\bin directory and rename PharosPrintCenterSetup.msi to something else like PharosPrintCenterSetup.msi.old, and then copy the new PharosPrintCenterSetup.msi to this location.

  4. Open command prompt as Administrator and navigate to the directory you copied the file to in step 3 above and use the below command to execute it, then follow the on-screen instructions to finish.

    MSIEXEC /I PharosPrintCenterSetup.msi

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