- 10 Apr 2024
- 5 Minutes to read
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Blueprint Print Center Quota Management
- Updated on 10 Apr 2024
- 5 Minutes to read
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The Quota Management feature of Blueprint Enterprise allows Managers to impose limits on the number of pages that employees in a given group can print or copy monthly.
The quota usage shown in the Employees tab in Print Center does not necessarily reflect a real-time print/copy usage. Data is updated only after a nightly publication to the Data Warehouse, which typically occurs at 12:00 midnight.
For more information, refer to the Blueprint-Pharos Print Center Guide document.
Configuring Quotas
Before you Begin
You will need to configure the following components in the Blueprint Administrator before you can configure quotas in Print Center.
In the Dashboard > Logons screen, add a group with the Manage Quota logon role.
In the Servers > Settings screen, configure the SMTP Server Settings so users can receive email notifications (If not already configured for Scheduled Reports).
Step 1: Adding a Quota
To configure quotas, follow these steps:
Log on to Print Center and then navigate to the Quota Management > Quotas tab.
Select Add Quota.
In the Quota Name field, enter a descriptive name for the quota. This will be used to identify the quota in email notifications.
In the Quota Owner field, click
. This opens the Select Quota Owner dialog. Enter part of the name or email address of the person you want to add as the Quota Owner and then click Add. Note: Search text must be at least three characters long.
In the Quota Limits Apply to field, select whether to apply quotas to Each Employee or the Entire Group.
In the Black and White Pages per month field, enter the black and white pages each employee or the entire group can print or copy monthly.
In the Color Pages per month, set how many color pages employees or the entire group can print or copy monthly.
Step 2 - Configure Email Settings
After setting up print limits, the next steps are to enable email notifications and decide on a threshold at which employees will start receiving a warning message. For example, the warning level should trigger when the group reaches 75% of the quota.
Navigate to Quota Management > Email Settings.
Select the ‘Enable Notifications’ option if not already selected.
Select whom to send notifications. The options are:
All – The quota owner and all the employees within the quota group will receive email notifications.
Specified user – Choose whether to send notifications to the Quota Owner only or employees or both.
In the Send daily email after reaching % of either quota, enter the threshold (in percentage) when the warning level should trigger for the quota.
(Optional) In the Email Prompts, customize the email messages sent to users if desired.
(Optional) In the Table Heading Prompts, customize the columns headings for the Quota Usage Report included in the email notification.
Click the Test Email button to send a sample of the email notification to the user logged on the Print Center.
Step 3- Add Employees to the Quota
Select the employees to which the quota applies to.
Navigate to Quota Management > Employees.
Click the Add Employees button.
In the Select Quota User dialog that appears, enter part of the name or email address of the person you want to add as the Quota Owner and then click Add. Note: Search text must be at least three characters long.
Click Save Changes.
Quota Management Settings in Print Center
The Quota Management tab in Print Center consists of the following tabs:
Quotas can be viewed, modified, or added in the Quotas tab of the Print Center.
The Quotas tab will list up to 50 quotas only. To ensure that all quotas are managed effectively, Pharos recommends limiting quotas to 50. Also, there is a limit of 50 employees per quota.
Use the Settings tab to configure the number of pages that users can print per month. The tab includes the following settings:
Setting | Description |
Quota Name | The name of the quota. This is used to describe the quota when sending email messages to employees. |
Quota Owner | The employee assigned to receive email notifications when a quota is reached or exceeded. |
Quota Limits Apply To | If “Each Employee” is selected, then the limits below are the limit for each individual employee. E.g. If quota is 100 color pages, then each member of the group can print 100 color pages before exceeding quota. If “Entire Group” is selected, then the quota is the sum of printing for all members of the group. E.g. if quota is 100 pages and one person printed 50 pages and another printed 51 pages, quota would be exceeded. |
Black and White Pages per Month | The number of B&W pages that employees or groups can print or copy each month. |
Color Pages Per Month | The number of color pages that employees or groups can print or copy each month. |
Email Settings
Enable or disable notifications.
Set up the threshold when to send daily emails. Notification threshold warning is set to 0 by default.
Set up email prompts
Set up Table Heading Prompts
Setting | Description |
Enable Notifications | Check this option to enable email notifications. Email notification is enabled by default. To disable email notification, clear this option. |
Send daily email after reaching x % of either quota | Enter a percentage of the quota limit for the notification threshold. |
Email Prompts
Text enclosed in curly braces, e.g. {EmployeeName} are placeholders for variables. The real values are substituted when the email is generated. For example, if the employee’s full name is “Bob Smith” then the default greeting will read “To Bob Smith, Quota Usage for the current Month”
Setting | Description | Default Text |
Email Subject | Defines the text that will appear on the subject line of the email notification. | Quota Usage |
Greeting | This includes the name of the email recipient. | To {EmployeeName}, Quota usage for the current month. |
Warning Message | The body of the email message when a group has reached the threshold of their B&W or color pages quota. | Warning, {ColorOrBW} printing for the group {QuotaName} has reached {QuotaWarningLevel}% of the month's Quota. Please print only when necessary. |
Quota Exceeded Message | The body of the email message when a group has exceeded the B&W or color pages quota. | Warning, {ColorOrBW} printing for the group {QuotaName} has exceeded the month's Quota. Please contact the manager before further printing. |
Signature | This includes the closing and the name of the Quota Manager. | Regards {ManagerName} |
Table Heading Prompts
Setting | Description |
Totals | Totals |
Black and White Quota | B&W Quota |
Color Quota | Color Quota |
Black and White Volume | B&W Volume |
Color Volume | Color Volume |
Percent of Black and White Quota | % of B&W Quota |
Percent of Color Quota | % of Color Quota |
Printed by | Printed By |
The following figure shows how the prompts and heading are used in email notifications.

The Totals section shows the following information for the group:
B&W Quota – The number of B&W pages that users of the group can print per month.
Color Quota – The number of Color pages that users of the group can print per month.
B&W Volume – The number of B&W pages printed by the group so far.
Color Volume – The number of Color pages printed by the group so far.
% of B&W Quota – The percentage of B&W pages printed against the B&W Quota.
% of Color Quota - The percentage of Color pages printed against the group’s Color Quota.
In addition to the Quota Usage Report included in email notifications, a Quota Manager can find out about quota usage in the Quota Management > Employees tab of Print Center. In this tab, the Quota Manager can:
Check how many pages each employee has printed against their group’s quota.
Add or remove employees from the quota group.