Logging Uniprint Server Components with the Pharos Logsetter Utility.
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Logging Uniprint Server Components with the Pharos Logsetter Utility.

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Article summary

How can I log Pharos Uniprint Server components?

For versions 8.2 and later, please run the Pharos Logsetter from Start > All Programs > Pharos > Pharos Log Setter

  • Log to DebugView: to add Logsetter communications to the Microsoft SysInternals DebugView software

  • Log to File: starts the Log Setter utility. 

  • Roll over log files : Hitting his button encapsulates the current set of logs at that time into a zip file.  This is particularly useful when diagnosing a particular event or set of events where the behavior can be invoked so as to create a smaller zip file to send to Pharos Support. 

Please note, Pharos services do not need to be restarted after the <Apply> button is hit on the Log Setter utility for 8.2 + to start logging.

For versions 8.1 and earlier, please follow the below directions

Running the Logsetter

You can run the Logsetter directly from the Pharos Installation CD ( ..\tools\utils\logsetter ) by doubleclicking the logsetter.exe file, or by coping the three files in this folder (logsetter.exe, config.ini and logset.chm) onto the local machine and running it from there.

Logging Pharos Components

Most Pharos components can be configured to write debug information to a log. This information can be useful when troubleshooting problems. Logs can be collected an sent to Pharos Support.

The Pharos Logsetter (available on the Pharos CD at ... tools\utils\logsetter) allows you to specify log settings for various Pharos components. Log information is stored in the registry under:


The Log Setter creates this key if it does not already exist, and sets the values under it.

Pharos Components that can be logged using the Logsetter

Logging can be activated from the Logsetter for the following Pharos services and applications: Pharos Database Service Pharos License Service Pharos Print Service Pharos LPD Service Pharos Popup Service Pharos SignUp Service Pharos Distribution Service Pharos EDI Pharos Station Pharos Notify

Setting up the Logsetter

Set the "Debug" level to 5
Check "Types" and select ALL checkboxes
Select the "Advanced" button
Check "Catagories" and select ALL options
Under "Options" select "Show Time," "Show Process ID," "Show Thread."

Starting the Log

Once the logsetter has been run you must restart the Pharos service set to be logged before the log file to be created. This can be done via Windows Service by restarting that specific service, or by rebooting the machine.

Logsetter Help The Logsetter has its own Help - click the Help button on the main dialog for assistance in configuring application logs.

Note:  Unless otherwise directed by Pharos Support or Development run the Logsetter using the default settings. All that you need to do is to create a name and path for the log file.

NOTE:  The EDI Server runs as part of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). For security reasons, IIS runs under a special account that can read and write to only a small number of directories. (This is so that if the IIS server is compromised, the damage can be contained.) It is likely that this account does not have permission to write to the directory you specified. See Knowledge Base Article 1091 for configuration.

** Please see attached document with screen shots of how to configure the Logsetter with all options.


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