Change the Inactivity Timeout value for Konica Minolta iMFP.
  • 03 Apr 2024
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Change the Inactivity Timeout value for Konica Minolta iMFP.

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Article summary


How can I change the amount of time that has to elapse before the user is logged out when there is no activity at the device?

Note: This is referred to as the Release Stations "Inactivity Time (in seconds)".


Unfortunately the value in the Pharos Administrator will not have an affect on the behavior of the device.

There is a setting on the iMFP device itself known as the "system auto reset timer."  It is available from Utilities > Administrator Settings > System Settings > Reset Settings > System Auto Reset. 

Once you are in that menu, the options available will be a bit different depending on the KM model but this is where you will alter the timeout value you are looking for.

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