Error: 'Pharos is not the database owner' during an upgrade of the Pharos Database.
  • 28 Mar 2024
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Error: 'Pharos is not the database owner' during an upgrade of the Pharos Database.

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Article summary


When running an upgrade of the Pharos Database the following error appeared after starting the upgrade process “Pharos is not the database owner”. The SQL login 'pharos' is the db_owner.Inside the pharos database, the objects are owned by a user role other than db_owner. For our upgrade scripts to work the objects must all be owned by the user role db_owner, and this role should be assigned to the SQL login 'pharos'.


The following SQL query will update the user role ownership of the objects in the Pharos Database. Steps on setting the SQL login as db_owner can be found in a separate FAQ.

USE master

EXEC sp_configure N'allow updates', '1'


USE pharos

update sysobjects set uid = 1

USE master

EXEC sp_configure N'allow updates', '0'


There is an update in the latest version of Uniprint that changes how the the account is checked, see KB Article 2089.

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