Example of Full Migration and Upgrade process for Uniprint
  • 19 Mar 2024
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Example of Full Migration and Upgrade process for Uniprint

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Article summary

An example of the full migration and upgrade process that can be sent to a customer. Blanks can be filled with specific version details.

This version is for an environment with separate Principal and Print Servers with a Billing Gateway, but can be easily modified and added to for different setups. Be sure to read through the full instructions before sending to the customer as their may be specific details not suited to each customer.

A SQL file will need to be produced that contains the dbughead.sql, appropriate dbug[version].sql and dbugtail.sql files from the .\database\db\. on the Main Pharos CD. This is for manually upgrading the database. Specific instructions will need to be provided if the customer has to upgrade using MSDE ( i.e. instructions on how to upgrade from a command line - feel free to update this article with that information ).

Blanks are:
[Billing Gateway]
[Old Version Number]
[New Version Number]
[Hot Fixes Website]
[Migration KBase Article Link]

Internal Only

Here is the upgrade process you need to follow.

Build Pharos Servers:

  1. Install SQL and the Pharos Principal server ( License, Database servers ) on your new Database/Principal Server.

  2. Install the [Billing Gateway] on the Pharos Principal server. Use a backup registry key to apply the gateway settings, a reboot will be required for these settings to apply.

  3. Install the Pharos Print server roll ( including the Popup, LPD services) on your new print servers, with temporary IP addresses.

  4. Install the IP Biller on each print server. Configure each IP Biller to communicate to the new [Billing Gateway]. At this point you should be able to use the Balance.bat file installed with the [Billing Gateway] in the Pharos\Bin directory - however run it from a Print server from the Pharos\Bin directory ) to test billing process. A successful result will be "OK" with a balance on the second line.

Migrate and Upgrade Production Server:

  1. On old Uniprint server:

    • Stop all Pharos services.

    • Use SQL Management studio to detach Pharos database files (pharos.mdf & pharos_log.LDP, and copy/paste them over to new server.

  2. Once database is migrated, database can be reattached to the existing server and this can be brought back online.

  3. Upgrade the database from [Old Version Number] to [New Version Number] using the The database script files that are found in the Uniprint Installation media in database\db folder. 

    • Run this SQL query to determine the current DB build number. "Select Build_number from system"

    • Run the Dbughead.SQL file from SQL Query Analyzer on the new Pharos Principal server.

    • Run the Dbugxxxx.SQL files in order and from the SAME SQL QUERY window. Starting with the next build number up from the number noted in the System table.

    • After all SQL scripts are run, then run the Dbugtail.sql script.

  4. Either reboot the server or start all Pharos services. Not all services may start until after you do the following step.

  5. On the new server, run Pharos Administrator and update the server details under System > Servers.

  6. Confirm that your job costing has been upgraded properly. You may need to manually update the costing if it has not.

  7. Migrate the Windows Print Objects from each print server using the Microsoft tool Print Migrator.

  8. Confirm within Pharos Administrator that the print server can see the printers. Do this by selecting a Print or Spool queue and viewing the driver tab. If you can edit these settings, Pharos can see the printer objects.

Switch Over Print Servers:

  1. Turn off an existing print server.

  2. Update the IP address of a new server to have the hostname and IP address of the existing server. Reboot the server.

  3. On a single Pharos Station, uninstall the existing Pharos Station and install the new version - this is required as the Pharos Station needs to communicate with the new Pharos Principal server.

  4. Using an existing [Old Version Number] Popup client, try send a print job to a queue controlled by the upgraded Pharos Station. Confirm the following:

    - The Popup appears.
    - The job appears on the Print server

    - A user can log onto the Pharos Station the job can be released.

    - The job prints successfully.

    - The job is charged for properly.

  5. If all this is successful you can proceed with the same process for the rest of the Pharos Stations and the second print server.

  6. Upgrade any other clients such as Pharos Administrator and Pharos Reports.

At this point you should be successfully upgraded and migrated. You may also wish to build the new Pharos Popup packages and install and test these. Students and other Pharos users may opt to uninstall their existing [Old Version Number] Popup client to install the [New Version Number] client.

I suggest you build and test the new server prior to the migration, so any troubleshooting can be done without putting pressure on your migration time slot.

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