Unable to upgrade Pharos Database, error "Database master not recognized as a PHAROS database."
  • 01 Apr 2024
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Unable to upgrade Pharos Database, error "Database master not recognized as a PHAROS database."

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Article summary

When trying to upgrade the Pharos Database it fails with the error:

"Database master not recognized as a PHAROS database. Database upgrade cancelled the Pharos Database cannot be upgraded."

Either one of two problems exist:

  1. The Pharos SQL user does not have its default database set to "pharos". To solve this use SQL Enterprise Manager or DBAMgr to set the default database for the Pharos user to "pharos".

  2. Within the Pharos registry, the key that specifies the Pharos SQL user is set to "sa" or some other user not associated to the Pharos database. To solve this, use regedit to modify the below keys to match the logon credentials of the Pharos SQL user:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Database Server\Database\User Name]

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Database Server\Database\Password]

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