Installing the Pharos Database on a remote Microsoft SQL Server
  • 19 Mar 2024
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Installing the Pharos Database on a remote Microsoft SQL Server

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Article summary

Can the Pharos Database be installed on a remote Microsoft SQL Server?

Installing the Pharos Database on a remote Microsoft SQL Server

  1. Install MS SQL Server and the Pharos Principal Server (database server) on the machine that is to be used as the production Pharos Principal Server.

  2. Once the install is complete the Pharos Database can be detached from the Pharos Principal Server and attached to the machine running MS SQL Server.

  3. Before attaching the Pharos Database to the remote SQL Server you will need to create a login to SQL Server.
    NOTE: The User name and Password MUST be the same as the pharos logon (dba) created during the installation of Pharos. These can be found in the following Registry location on the Pharos Server:
    Make the "Database Name" key, "User Name" and "Password" values the same as the existing install on the old machine
    x86 Architecture:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Database Server\Database
    x64 Architecture:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Pharos\Database Server\Database

  4. In the Registry (see below) you will also need to change the entry for "Server Name". The current entry will be replaced with the name or IP Address of the MS SQL Server machine.
    x86 Architecture:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pharos\Database Server\Database
    x64 Architecture:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Pharos\Database Server\Database

  5. On the Pharos Principal Server you will need to remove the MS SQL Server Dependency in the Registy:
    Name: DependOnService
    Remove the entry related to MSSQLServer.
    NOTE: If the Microsoft Windows Server version installed on the server displays this information as a "binary value" when "regedit" is used (i.e. Win2000) then use "regedt32," which will display in plain text.

  6. Attach the Pharos Database to the remote MS SQL Server and assign the Pharos User with Pharos dbo permissions.
    To make the Pharos User the dbo, open SQL Enterprise Manager, expand the tree to:
    SQL Server Group > “server name” > Security > Logins
    Select the Pharos User, right-click and select Properties.
    Select the Database Access tab and make the Pharos User the dbo (database owner).
    *************** Note From Developers:***********************************
    When you attach the database using SQL Enterprise manager, you get to chose the login who will be assigned as owner of the database (dbo)
    So add the 'pharos' login to the new server before attaching the database.
    This is not quite the same as setting a logon to have access to the database with role of database owner (db_owner).
    You can only have one dbo for a database, but you can have many users (logins assigned to database) that have access as db_owner.
    When this site comes to upgrade in the future any objects that are changed or added will be created belonging to that user and not belonging to dbo

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