How do I add standard US holidays to Pharos SignUp?
  • 03 Apr 2024
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How do I add standard US holidays to Pharos SignUp?

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Article summary

How do I add standard US holidays to Pharos SignUp?

Pharos has put together the a SQL script (see attached) that automatically adds a list of standard US statutory holidays for 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010. There is a Seperate Script for 2009 and 2010 combined.

Holidays inserted by the script:

  • New Year's Day

  • Good Friday

  • Memorial Day

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Day after Thanksgiving

  • Christmas Eve

  • Christmas Day

How to update your system:

NOTE: The following instructions should be completed by a SQL System Administrator.

  1. Copy the attached USA.Holidays.2007-2010.sql to the Pharos Database Server (SQL Server) desktop.

  2. Open SQL Analyzer and log on to the SQL Server as the SQL system administrator.

  3. Select the Pharos database using the "Database" drop down at the top of the query window.

  4. Copy the contents of the .SQL file into the query window.

  5. Click the run button at the top of the query window to apply the script.

  6. Confirm that the database was correctly updated and no errors appeared.

  7. Close the Query Window.

  8. The holidays will now be present in the Pharos Administrator.

NOTE: If you have already run this for the current year 2009 and have the previous years 2006, 2007, and 2008 already inserted into the system then when you run the attached script for 2009 and 2010 you will see a few errors as it cannot insert duplicate data for the current year. These SQL CHECK_CONSTRAINT erros can be ignored and the new year 2010 will be added.

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