How To Enable Logging on the Pharos PC Station application.
  • 19 Mar 2024
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How To Enable Logging on the Pharos PC Station application.

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Article summary

How do I enable/disable logging for the Pharos PC Station software that runs on a Windows Operating System?

The PC Stations log file is controlled by a set of registry keys. Attached to this KB Article is a text file that contains the keys needed to enable logging. Save the attached text file, rename it to have a .REG file extension then apply this to the computer running the Pharos PC Station software.

Note: The filepath\filename the log is written to is by default "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pharos\Temp\PStationLog.txt". You will need to ensure that the account running the station software has Read/Write access to this filepath\filename.

To Disable the logging to a file on disk simply remove the file name from the registry key below that was added to the machine, stop the PC Station software and start it up again.



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