How to modify the Queue Station to display LogonID, not Alias
  • 28 Mar 2024
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How to modify the Queue Station to display LogonID, not Alias

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Article summary

How to modify the Queue Station to display Logon ID, not Alias.

SignUp Vx3 and later:

Add the parameter &ShowLogonId to the end of the Queue Station URL, e.g.


SignUp Vx2 and earlier:

Note that you can make this change using Front Page to modify the call that is made when the Queue Station is running.

Open the Queue Station using IE and select File > Edit with Microsoft Front Page, then look for the following lines. The lines that need to be modified are highlighted with ###### signs. On each of the highlighted lines, change "alias" to "logon_id"

Status = "Go to " + GetValueFromTable(Table, "computer_type_name", "") +
": " + GetValueFromTable(Table, "pcname", "") + " - " +
GetValueFromTable(Table, "description", "");
<tr class="ListQueueGoto">
<td class="QueueItemGoto" <%=LibrarianStyle()%> ></td>
####### <td class="QueueItemGoto" <%=LibrarianStyle()%> >
<td class="QueueItemGoto" <%=LibrarianStyle()%> ></td>

function ShowInQueue( Table )
var StartTime = new Date( GetValueFromTable(Table, "start_time", 0) );
Status = FormatEstimatedTime( StartTime );
Status = Status + " for " + GetValueFromTable(Table, "computer_type_name", "");
<tr class="ListQueueWaiting">
<td class="QueueItemWaiting" <%=LibrarianStyle()%> ></td>
######## <td class="QueueItemWaiting" <%=LibrarianStyle()%> >
<td class="QueueItemWaiting" <%=LibrarianStyle()%> ></td>

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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