Complex Documents Result In Inaccurate Job Attributes (page count, color mode, paper size, finishing functions, duplex mode)
  • 02 Apr 2024
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Complex Documents Result In Inaccurate Job Attributes (page count, color mode, paper size, finishing functions, duplex mode)

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Article summary


  • Job attribute information is not correct

  • Incorrect job costing

  • Incorrect page count, paper size, color mode, duplex mode, or finishing functions


  • Pharos Systems Uniprint Suite

  • Pharos Systems Uniprint Print Service

  • Pharos Systems Secure Release Service

  • Pharos Systems Blueprint Enterprise

  • Pharos Systems Blueprint Tracker

  • Pharos Systems PrintScout

  • Pharos Systems MobilePrint

  • Pharos Systems Print Center

  • Pharos Systems Page Counter


The source document contains elements that may be large (high-resolution images), complex (CAD renderings, vector graphics containing blends, gradients, multiple-vertice polygons, EPS files with elaborate clipping paths, PostScript data with a very low - to 0 - flatness), or there are tens (or more) of individual items on the page. You may also find that the print file (when viewed in the print queue's list) is very large: 128 Megabytes (MB) or more.


One of the functions of the Pharos Systems software is a process called "page counting." During page counting, the document's print file (also known as a "spool" file) is analyzed by software called Pharos Page Counter (PCounter.exe). Within PCounter.exe are a number of rules for the various Page Description Languages (PDLs) that we support: Adobe PostScript, PCL, Epson's ESC/P2, and so on (see the "Answers others found helpful" list below for a full list of supported printer drivers). To keep the page counting process from log-jamming users' ability to print, we impose some basic limits on the process. When those limits are exceeded during page counting, the process is terminated and the Pharos product relies on the data stored as extra information (the "metadata"; or DEVMODE structures in Windows Spooler-speak) in the file. In many cases, the information in the DEVMODE structure is inferior to what would be captured by PCounter (for example, DEVMODE will only expose that the document is Color or Monochrome; it won't tell us what the page-by-page breakdown is), is insufficient (the DEVMODE value for paper size may just state "CUSTOM"), or is wrong (the page count is listed as 10, but the source document is only one page). Unfortunately, when Pharos page counting has to fail due to an exceeded limit, we must use what is available...the alternative is to simply "fail" the job (which can occur if DEVMODE is lacking).


Resolving a condition where this occurs is different for Uniprint and Blueprint. MobilePrint utilizes the functions stored on the server in both cases.

Pharos Uniprint Suite 8.3 through 9.0

The PCounter.exe application is stored on Uniprint Print Servers only. On each Print Server:

  1. Launch Microsoft Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe)

  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\PharosSystems\PageCounting (bypass the 'Wow6432Node' branch if you are on a 32-bit server).

  3. Select the 'MemoryLimit' property, right-click, and choose 'Modify.'

  4. Choose the 'Decimal' option under 'Base' and change the value to a number higher than your anticipated largest file and click 'OK.'

    NOTE: If you set this value too high, server performance and/or stability may suffer if your Print Server is not configured with adequate memory for the task. Be aware that multiple instances (up to the number in the 'MaxInstances' setting within the same Registry key) of PCounter can be launched for page counting. Therefore, if a maximum of 5 instances are allowed and the MemoryLimit is 1024 (1 Gigabyte, or GB), it is possible (though not probable) to require 5 GB of RAM on the server.

  5. Close out of the Registry Editor.

  6. Restart the Pharos Systems Secure Release Service, which also restarts the Pharos Systems Print Service.

Pharos Uniprint Suite 8.2 and older

The PCounter.exe application is stored on Uniprint Print Servers only. On each Print Server:

  1. Launch Microsoft Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe)

  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Pharos\PrintServer (bypass the 'Wow6432Node' branch if you are on a 32-bit server).

  3. Select the 'MemoryLimit' property, right-click, and choose 'Modify.'

  4. Choose the 'Decimal' option under 'Base' and change the value to a number higher than your anticipated largest file and click 'OK.'

    NOTE: If you set this value too high, server performance and/or stability may suffer if your Print Server is not configured with adequate memory for the task. Be aware that multiple instances (up to the number in the 'MaxInstances' setting within the same Registry key) of PCounter can be launched for page counting. Therefore, if a maximum of 5 instances are allowed and the MemoryLimit is 1024 (1 Gigabyte, or GB), it is possible (though not probable) to require 5 GB of RAM on the server.

  5. Close out of the Registry Editor.

  6. Restart the Pharos Systems Print Service.

Pharos Blueprint 5.1 SP3.1 and older

The PCounter.exe application is stored everywhere the Pharos PrintScout or Tracker has been deployed: workstations, print servers, Blueprint Collector server(s), and Blueprint Analyst server. Depending on the size of implementation, it is advised to modify PCounter.exe settings immediately on all server-based platforms and then only on workstations when a user requires modification (made notable through reporting). Regardless of what platform Pharos PrintScout or Tracker has been installed, the procedure is the same:

  1. Launch Microsoft Windows Registry Editor (regedit.exe)

  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\PharosSystems\PageCounting (bypass the 'Wow6432Node' branch if you are on a 32-bit operating system).

  3. Select the 'MemoryLimit' property, right-click, and choose 'Modify.'

  4. Choose the 'Decimal' option under 'Base' and change the value to a number higher than your anticipated largest file and click 'OK.'

    NOTE: If you set this value too high, system performance and/or stability may suffer if the computer is not configured with adequate memory for the task. Be aware that multiple instances (up to the number in the 'MaxInstances' setting within the same Registry key) of PCounter can be launched for page counting. Therefore, if a maximum of 5 instances are allowed and the MemoryLimit is 1024 (1 Gigabyte, or GB), it is possible (though not probable) to require 5 GB of RAM on the server.

  5. Close out of the Registry Editor.

  6. There is no need to restart any Pharos service.

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