- Pharos Cloud
- Release Notes
- Request Access to Pharos Cloud New Features
- Pharos Cloud 4.1 Release Notes - February 2025
- What's New in Pharos Cloud
- Pharos Cloud 4.0 Release Notes - November 2024
- Pharos Secure Release Mobile App Release Notes - October 2024
- Pharos Cloud Education Edition Release Notes - August 2024
- Pharos Cloud Sentry Print Site Service Release Notes - July 2024
- Pharos Cloud Print Scout Release Notes - July 2024
- Pharos Cloud 3.7 Release Notes - April 2024
- Pharos Cloud Sentry Print Site Service Release Notes - March 2024
- Pharos Cloud 3.6 Release Notes
- Pharos Cloud 3.5.0 Release Notes- July 2023
- Pharos Cloud Platform Update March 2023 Release Notes
- Pharos Cloud Platform Update January 2023 Release Notes
- Pharos Cloud Platform Update: June 2022 Release Notes
- Pharos Beacon Cloud Platform Update: March 2022 Release Notes
- Pharos Beacon Update: August 2021 Release Notes
- Pharos Beacon Update: June 2021 Release Notes
- Pharos Beacon Update: March 2021 Release Notes
- Pharos Beacon Update: December 2020 Release Notes
- Pharos Beacon Update: October 2020 Release Notes
- Sentry Print August 2020 Update
- Sentry Print June 2020 Release Notes
- Sentry Print April 2020 Release Notes
- Pharos Cloud Platform Update: September 2022 Release Notes
- Pharos Beacon Update: November 2021 Release Notes
- Sentry Print March 2020 Release Notes
- Support Articles
- How to Change my Print Scout registration for Windows
- Print Scout Application Injection through the Windows Registry
- How to perform an SNMP Device Walk using a Cloud based Device Scout
- Missing Secured Queue
- Job Does not Appear on Printer
- How to Determine Print Drivers Being Used in Pharos Cloud
- Forcibly Removing and Triggering a User Registration
- How to recover my Beacon Site Encryption Key.
- Secure Print Failover FAQs
- Beacon Mac Print Scout Log File locations.
- Update Print Scout Driver to the HP PCL6 Universal Driver
- Secure Release Technical Overview
- Head in the Sky, Feet on the Ground: Moving Your Pharos Solution to the Cloud
- Pharos Cloud: Configuring the Print Scout for Windows with verbose logging.
- Pharos Cloud Status Page
- Beacon Data Privacy Options
- Beacon Print Release Workflows
- Sentry Print October 2018 Update (SPS11)
- Pharos Secure Release Quick Start Guide Posters
- How to Import Amazon SSL Certificates to a HP MFP
- Downloads
- Release Notes
- Blueprint
- Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.4 Update 4.1 Sentry Print Service Patch 2411.811.522
- Pharos Blueprint 5.4 - Update 4.1 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.4 - Update 4 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.4 - Update 3 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.4 - Update 2 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.4 - Update 1 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.3 - Update 7 Security Patch Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.3 - Update 7 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.3 Update 5 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.3 Update 4 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint Enterprise 5.3 Update 3
- Pharos Blueprint 5.4 - Update 3.1 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.3 - Update 2 Release Notes
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.3 Update 1: Release Notes
- What's new in 5.3 - Update 1 Release Notes
- Blueprint 5.3 Update 1 New Features
- Pharos Sentry Print Service 4.110.1 Release Notes for Blueprint
- Print Scout for Windows v7.21.11.1 Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint Enterprise: Version History
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.2 Service Pack 3: Release Notes
- Read Me - Pharos Sentry Print Service Patch version 3.74.9
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.2 Service Pack 2.1: Release Notes
- Pharos Blueprint 5.2 Service Pack 1: Release Notes
- Documentation
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.4 Documentation
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.4 Update 4: New Features
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.4 Update 3: New Features
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.4 Update 2: New Features
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.4 Update 1: New Features
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.4: New Features
- Blueprint 5.4 Planning and Installation Guide
- Blueprint 5.4 Configuration Guide
- Blueprint 5.4 Operation Guide
- Blueprint 5.4 Product Specification
- Blueprint 5.4 Reporting Data Model
- Blueprint 5.4 Reporting Guide
- Blueprint 5.4 Upgrade Guide
- Pharos Print Center 5.7 Guide
- Pharos Print Center Deployment Strategy Guide
- Print Scout Deployment Guide
- Blueprint TechNote - Pharos IPP Service
- Blueprint Technote - Document Forensics
- Blueprint Technote - Analyst Server Migration
- Pharos Sentry SE50 User Guide
- Ethernet 241 Configuration Guide
- Blueprint Print Center Help
- Blueprint Administrator Print Center Settings
- Blueprint Print Center Overview
- Blueprint Print Center: Mobile Friendly Web Pages
- Blueprint Print Center Delegate Printing
- Blueprint Print Center Theme
- Blueprint Print Center Secure Queue
- Blueprint Print Center Secure Printers
- Blueprint Print Center Sentry Print Credentials
- Blueprint Print Center QR Codes
- Blueprint Print Center Sentry Print Setting
- Blueprint Print Center Secure SE50 Theme
- Blueprint Print Center Print Scout Settings
- Blueprint Print Center Email and Pin
- Blueprint Print Center Event Log
- Blueprint Print Center MobilePrint
- Blueprint Print Center System Monitor
- Blueprint Print Center Quota Management
- Blueprint Print Center Guest Accounts
- Print Center FAQs
- Importing Models from the Pharos Community
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.3 Documentation
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.2 Documentation
- Pharos Blueprint Enterprise and Load Balancing Solutions
- Pharos Blueprint Enterprise 5.4 Component Versions
- Latest Blueprint Printer Models
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.4 Documentation
- Downloads
- Support Articles
- Error: 'Page too small to print one line. Try printing using smaller font.
- Blueprint - ERROR: "There is no row at position 0" message and Blueprint Administrator quits
- Capture Network Traffic Without Installing Software
- Pharos Blueprint Enterprise: Configuring the Print Scout or Tracker for verbose logging.
- Blueprint Enterprise Network Ports
- Why enable Client-Side Rendering?
- A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
- Blueprint Enterprise: Installing an updated License Key.
- An Application Crashes or Faults When Pharos Print Scout and/or Preton Toner Saver is installed
- Hardening Your Web Server Against HTTP-based Intrusion Vectors
- How to enable Server Debug Level Logging for Pharos Blueprint Enterprise.
- Pharos Blueprint - Tracker and EDI Web Service tests fail
- Blueprint: Migrating the Analyst to a New Server with New Name
- Blueprint: Test failed. The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
- Resolving Issues with Active Directory Access in Pharos Blueprint Enterprise
- Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
- Blueprint Enterprise: How to migrate the Analyst databases from one SQL Server to another
- Blueprint: Resolving Active Directory Authentication Problems When Using the Standard Authentication Method
- Blueprint Sentry Print Services health test fails.
- Secure print jobs not being released to printer
- Blueprint Enterprise Operating System Support and Compatibility Chart
- Solving Windows Installer error '2878' during Pharos Sentry Base installation
- Pharos Blueprint: Enable stapling and hole punching in the IPP Service's print queue
- Pharos Blueprint - Pharos Systems Secure Release Service will not start
- Owning a Database: The Blueprint Upgrade Conundrum
- Blueprint Enterprise: Configuring HTTPS For More Than One Certificate
- Blueprint: Pharos Systems TaskMaster service does not start after applying Service Pack 1.2
- Pharos Blueprint Print Agent for MacOS Update
- Blueprint Tracker Web Service Fails when testing the services using the Blueprint Server Configuration Tool
- Requesting a Subject Alternate Name (SAN) Certificate from Pharos Systems Technical Support
- Installing Pharos Blueprint Enterprise Prerequisites on Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016
- Pharos Site Monitor
- Blueprint EDI & Tracker Web Service fail with the error "Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'" error.
- Changing the IP Address and Hostname of a Blueprint Analyst server.
- Blueprint: Migrating the Analyst to a New Server with Same Name
- Error 1001 Unable to create an instance of the PharosSystems.Core.Project installer type à Exception has been throw by the target of an invocation à security error.
- ERROR: "Unable to initialize a connection...Failed to get product version..." when logging into the Konica-Minolta iMFP for Blueprint
- Blueprint Enterprise upgrade to version 5.3 fails due to missing .NET Core version error
- Blueprint: Getting an Access Denied message when attempting to secure a queue in Blueprint.
- Blueprint 5.x - The Pharos Systems TaskMaster service not running and will not stay in a "Started" status.
- Pharos Blueprint: Unable to launch Blueprint Administrator or the Blueprint Server Configuration utility on a Blueprint Collector or Analyst. Numerous messages about the server going offline and coming back online.
- Blueprint - Managing "auto-created" or "redirected" print queues in Citrix and Microsoft Terminal Services sessions
- Pharos Site Monitor: Installing an updated License Key.
- Site Monitor: Enable logging for Site Monitor
- Blueprint: Unable to release Secure Print jobs. The terminal returns "A licensing error occurred. The Secure Release Here feature is not licensed or the license has expired" but the license on the Analyst is current.
- Sentry Print: Securing a Device Results in White Screen and "Spinner"
- Pharos Blueprint Web Services and Third Party Web Application Interactions
- Sentry Print: Problems with Card Login on Ricoh IM C Devices
- Blueprint 5.x: In the Blueprint Administrator under the Terminals I do not have a TAB to configure the Terminal
- Help! I Don't Have Any Reporting Data in Blueprint!
- Cannot "Add Associated Terminal" with any terminal type except "Generic" and viewing a terminal in Administrator may not display the terminal's Configuration tab.
- When running the "Server Configuration Tool" I recieve an error "The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found' for the Tracker Web Service test.
- Pharos Blueprint installation fails to complete, with logged message "Error creating database: The CREATE DATABASE statement failed. The primary file must be at least "X" MB to accommodate a copy of the model database."
- Blueprint WCF Secure Communication service fails health status check during initial install
- Pharos Blueprint: What happens when my license expires?
- ERROR: "Database Connection Error" when installing Blueprint Administrator on a remote system
- Pharos Systems Blueprint Enterprise: Locating the Product Version and Site Code
- Read Me Sentry Print 3.86.12 Installer for Blueprint 5.4 GR
- Blueprint Policy Print file size restriction
- Pharos Blueprint Enterprise: Error Message: "There was an error while configuring the Service" during installation.
- Blueprint Enterprise: When printing from some application I get a Windows "Bad Image" error.
- OPIX Toner Savings License Error
- Blueprint TaskMaster service fails to start on reboot
- Pharos Blueprint: Enabling the display of the print job owner on a Pharos terminal (iMFP or Omega PS-150/PS-200)
- Blueprint: Changing the location of the Blueprint SQL database backup.
- Blueprint: HR Import, or other Import is not importing the data.
- Blueprint "Invalid Child Element" Error When Importing Print Data for Publication
- Blueprint 5.0 Collector reporting faulty status
- SiteMonitor: The SiteMonitor and/or Logging Service fails to start
- Microsoft Security Advisory ADV190023 and Pharos Blueprint Enterprise
- Blueprint: Blueprint Collector does not connect to the Blueprint Analyst. At the same time, the Pharos Blueprint Administrator will show the Collector(s) as "Unreachable"
- Pharos Blueprint: InstallUtil.exe error prevents installation or upgrade of Blueprint Analyst or Collector, or causes an "importconfig" to fail install
- When using the Blueprint Administrator, the error message "The machine manager is currently busy processing another request..." is seen.
- Where can I obtain log files for Opix Toner Savings application?
- Blueprint: Using the Blueprint Server Configuration tool the Tracker and EDI Services fail with a "401" error.
- Error: The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found
- Blueprint Administrator fails to connect to Analyst and the error is "Server is currently unavailable - code 75853"
- Changing the currency in the Blueprint Administrator and Blueprint Reports.
- Blueprint: Creating email alerts for non-System Health events.
- Blueprint: Cannot open "Printer Properties" or change printer defaults/preferences on a Secure Release Here print queue
- Blueprint Error: "The Model Manager is currently unavailable. Please try again shortly".
- Pharos Products & Citrix VDI: Users printing are seeing other users print jobs at the release Terminals.
- Readme Upgrade Blueprint 5.4 Pharos Sentry Print Service from 3.86.9 to 3.86.10
- Blueprint server configuration tests fail
- Printing from client printers attached within a remote Citrix or Terminals Services session
- Readme Blueprint 5.3 Update 7 Sentry Print 3.86.12 Hot Fix
- Pharos Blueprint Enterprise: The "UNKNOWN" User, Explained
- Blueprint Administrator fails to install on Windows 10
- LDAP -> Blueprint Syncronization
- Blueprint: Print jobs are not importing due to a PHAROSDBERROR_FOREIGN_KEY_CONSTRAINT error with the Logical Printer GUID
- Blueprint 5.0: Publications fail with "An error occurred while publishing data. Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown." and reports for current dates cannot be created.
- Blueprint 5.x - The Pharos Systems Event Log service not running and will not stay in a "Started" status.
- Pharos Blueprint Enterprise: Integrating Pharos MobilePrint 2.1 with Blueprint 5.2 Service Pack 2.2.1
- Blueprint - integrated multifunction printers (iMFP)
- Blueprint: Disk space requirement on SQL server to perform a Blueprint version upgrade.
- How to Determine Print Drivers Being Used in Blueprint
- Support Articles 2
- Adding a terminal type to the Blueprint 5.1 Secure Release Here "Default Settings" view
- Blueprint: An Error "Cannot contact the Blueprint Analyst" is received after installing Pharos Blueprint Administrator on a client workstation
- Omega & iMFP devices cannot connect to the Blueprint EDI web service using SSL.
- Enabling FIPS Compliance for Blueprint Reports
- eConnect for Pharos Blueprint.pdf (v11.0)
- Blueprint Enterprise: Force the Print Scout to require login for every print job
- How do I change the BP3.5 EDI Password ?
- Microsoft "Metro" Applications and Queue-based Printing
- Blueprint: Resolving a missing or duplicated Blueprint Tracker Machine GUID
- Blueprint Enterprise - Using the Device Model Updater
- Does Blueprint Policy Print Support Citrix Thin Client Technology?
- Ricoh iMFP Test Connection fails with Connection Status: Null when I configure it against Blueprint.
- Error: Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
- Error creating Lexmark Terminal Types with Blueprint 5.2 Service Pack 2.1
- Lexmark iMFP fails to connect to the Blueprint EDI Service.
- Error installing Blueprint: "1603: Error installing Windows Installer engine."
- Blueprint Tracker installer command line options
- Blueprint Tracker keeps failed jobs on the client machine.
- Blueprint: Unable to run a report due to error "The configuration file section 'LogonSpecificAdminConfig could not be read."
- Package Installation using a Windows GPO
- Blueprint Administrator: "Error: Control does not support transparent background colors" and then quits
- A Blueprint Enterprise Collector cannot communicate with the Analyst
- Renaming a Blueprint Collector installed on Microsoft Windows Cluster Services
- Pharos Blueprint: Changing the HP iMFP Setting "Auto Populate Email Fields" across several HP iMFP terminals
- Blueprint Collector Installation Error 1001. "Login failed for user ‘psbprint’. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL server connection."
- Blueprint Server Configuration tool fails the Blueprint tracker test with error message "utf/html was returned and utf/xml was expected"
- Blueprint: Tips to potentially mitigate the chance of errors when applying a Blueprint Service Pack.
- Blueprint Administrator Error (141254): "The Model Manager is currently unavailable. Please try again shortly."
- I don't see any data from my Blueprint Trackers installed on workstations
- The numbers of workstations which have the Blueprint tracker installed do not match the number of workstations seen by the Blueprint Analyst
- Workstations disappearing from the Blueprint Administrator Interface
- Blueprint error: "Request failed with HTTP status 504: proxy time out"
- Blueprint - Analyst installation fails to list remote SQL servers in browse window
- Does the psbprint SQL user have to have DBO permissions for all the Blueprint databases?
- Known limitations of Blueprint and Cluster
- Blueprint Enterprise functionality when the license expires.
- Blueprint & Citrix support
- Tracker silent installs not working in combination with the /dir option
- Blueprint Server Configuration tool fails the Blueprint tracker test with error message "utf/html was returned and utf/xml was expected".
- Reinstalling a BPE 5.0 Analyst when the Operational database and Data warehouse already exist
- Server Configuration Tool command line options - How to rename/clone Blueprint servers
- Error Blueprint Analyst- Failed to release print job
- Program might not have installed correctly" warning dialog in Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)
- Blueprint Enterprise Install Error: "No local database server instances have the correct version and edition"
- Is a static IP address required for the Blueprint Collector/Analyst?
- Blueprint AD authentication error: "The authentication mechanism is unknown"
- Error: Replicated data could not be cleared for the following servers
- Where does Blueprint get the print job name from?
- What information do I need to diagnose a Blueprint pagecount problem?
- Blueprint Sizing Guide
- What do I need to diagnose a Blueprint Tracker problem?
- Some reports generating slow when running standalone Blueprint Administor
- How is the 'Device' field populated in Blueprint 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2?
- Blueprint servers fail HTTP connectivity test
- Blueprint Enterprise: Using MobilePrint
- When printing a document in BP / subsequent print jobs do not work (hang in print queue / crash Spooler), but restarting the Print Spooler service temporarily relieves the issue
- Blueprint Tracker causes jobs to remain in queue on Great Plains Server or Terminal Server
- Installing Blueprint Enterprise on non-English OSes
- How does Blueprint 3.5 handle usernames when installed on a site with multiple domains where the username is present in both domains?
- How to override Lyra and do simple costing
- When I am in Blueprint 3.1 / 3.2 the print transactions are not being recorded in the BluePrint database due to MSMQ issues.
- Error upgrading the Tracker: "Cannot delete the service"
- How to import saved Tracker print job information
- File Transfer error with Blueprint
- Release Notes
- Uniprint 1
- Release Notes
- Pharos Sentry Print for Uniprint Release Notes - February 2025
- Uniprint 9.2 Sentry Print Service Update 2502.1707.3521
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.34
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Server Update Rev 351
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.33
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.32
- Uniprint 9.2 Web Services Update Rev 344
- Uniprint 9.2 Popup Client Configurator Tool Revision 345
- Uniprint 9.1 Web Services Update June 2024
- Uniprint 9.0R2 and 9.1 PageCounter Updates
- Uniprint 9.1 SignUp Client Revision 374
- Uniprint 9.1 Pharos Station Revision 375
- Uniprint 9.2 Pharos Station Revision 327
- Uniprint 9.2 Sentry Print Service Update 4.110.1
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Server Update Rev 328
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.30
- Uniprint 9.1 Service Pack 3 Release Notes
- Uniprint 9.1 Release Notes Summary (All Updates)
- Uniprint 9.0 R2 Documentation
- Uniprint 9.2 Release Notes Summary (All Updates)
- Uniprint 9.1 Service Pack 2 Release Notes
- Downloads
- Unable to Print Multiple Copies of a Document on HP LaserJet Printers
- Mac Popup Error "Failed to contact the Popup Server."
- Failed to send a print job to LPD Service. System reports error: 'TCP/IP Print Server refused a print job.'
- Uniprint Suite: Installing a new or updated License Key.
- How to capture a Print Spool File (.SPL file).
- Spool files are sometimes not deleted from the spool folder.
- How to create a Customized Pharos Uniprint Popup Package for macOS.
- Uniprint: Getting the error "The printer name is invalid" when attempting to add a queue in Uniprint
- Uniprint: Print jobs with a "Custom" paper size attribute are allowed to print when Job Attributes are set
- Pharos Uniprint Signup Client 9.0.9 for macOS/Mac OS X
- How can I create an Install package that contains the print driver for a Mac "pkg" along with the Automatic Popup Client software?
- Blackboard Transactions are failing with "Transaction failed - unknown error (#244) or (#224)" being seen in the BbTia gateway Log.
- Uniprint: Unable to print zero length job errors
- Popup Error: Failed to listen for incoming Popup jobs. You will not be able to use Popup printing for the duration of this session. Please report this incident to a system administrator.
- Error: Windows cannot connect to the printer Operation could not be completed (error 0x0000000d)
- Typical Uniprint Upgrade Paths
- Uniprint Suite Operating System Support and Compatibility Chart
- ERROR: "Unable to find the port:PharosPopupPort" When Installing Pharos Popup on a Microsoft Windows Client
- Pharos Blackboard TIA Gateway "Error: Waiting response from gateway x.x.x.x|2111 timed out"
- Logging Uniprint Server Components with the Pharos Logsetter Utility.
- Uniprint: I would like to uninstall the Popup client on a Windows workstation silently.
- When printing in Uniprint the device is reported to be in an "Offline State".
- Uniprint Print Center Troubleshooting
- Pharos Uniprint (all versions) Error and Alert Codes and their meaning
- How to create custom reports.
- Migrating Pharos database from one SQL Server to another.
- Migrating a Print Server to a new host
- Uniprint Suite - alert codes and error codes
- Uniprint: Pharos Updater Service is not starting or starts then stops immediately.
- Uniprint Suite - Rundll32 Printui Error: Operation could not completed
- Uniprint Suite - locating the version and site code
- Logging the Pharos Signup Client for Windows 7 and greater OS's
- How do I reset the Signup Client?
- Changing the Pharos Uniprint Principal Server IP Address
- Example of Full Migration and Upgrade process for Uniprint
- Installing the Pharos Database on a remote Microsoft SQL Server
- Command Line Options for Popup Packages
- Creating Install Packages
- Pharos CS Gold Gateway
- Konica Minolta iMFP Installation - Connection Failed
- When using an anti-virus on the server like McAfee, what recommendations do you have for exclusions?
- Installing 64 bit print drivers on a 32 bit server
- Standard Paper Sizes
- Signup Block Reservations no longer show in the Nerve Center
- Re-creating the Pharos Reports ODBC Connection
- Uniprint: Using Pharos Popups the Notify dialog not appearing on the client machine
- Uniprint Suite - How can I apply default printer settings to the Popup printer with a distribution Package
- Error: Pharos Popups cannot be installed on this machine. Unable to stop ComTaskMaster service
- Logging the Pharos Popup Client on Windows workstations.
- Unable to start Pharos Database Server Service
- Uniprint: How can I test the Pharos Updater Service?
- How to update PPD File on MAC to prevent users from printing color documents to BW printers.
- How to test a Uniprint Billing Gateway for a single user.
- Pharos Products: UPD Print Driver Configuration Notes
- How To Enable Logging on the Pharos PC Station application.
- Manual Install of the Pharos Database
- Pharos Reports will not display reports
- Popup Packages AddPrinter failed with error: "The remote procedure call failed."
- Pharos Uniprint Reports List
- Migrating Pharos database between two machines running SQL Server
- When installing Pharos Reports I recieve the following error message "Unable to retrieve the full list of Reports. [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen(Connect()).] Specified SQL Server not found."
- The Uniprint Print Server Service & Pharos Secure Release Service will not start and when trying to start the Secure Release Service if fails with an error "Error 193: 0xc1".
- Changing the Uniprint Print Server name to the Fully-qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
- PrinterInstaller error: Unable to find the port:PharosPort
- Uniprint Suite - Error: "Failed to load Result.txt file"
- What does it mean when a print job shows in the Queue again with "[Free Print]" in the job name?
- Unable to log on to Pharos Administrator because the server IP address was changed
- Pharos EDI API documentation request
- Mac OSX 10.11 Popup and HP Drivers not working,10.11
- OS X Popups do not appear after Mac Popup Install
- Secure Release (SRS) can receive jobs but cannot list them, the error "HTTP general failure: 0" is seen.
- How to enable color and B&W charging using Color Attributes and a single Spool Queue
- Cannot install Pharos Uniprint: Unable to open a connection to SQL Server. Check that your SQL Server service is started. The Pharos Database cannot be installed with the current settings.
- Disable the SignUp Client temporarily.
- When printing using an HP Plotter Print Driver the Popup shows twice
- Pharos Station does not auto logoff
- Roles, Permissions and Templates in Pharos Administrator
- 503 - Service Unavailable
- What to know about SQL Server 2016 when planning to use it for Uniprint 9.0 R2
- Error Code 29060 "Error while setting KEEPPRINTEDJOBS printer attribute: The printer name is invalid"
- Printing to Pharos Uniprint from Non-Windows Platforms
- Changing the server Host Name value in the Pharos Administrator for DNS resolution.
- How to manually upgrade a Pharos Uniprint Database
- Pharos Administrator Error: "Unable to load the list of print drivers. The RPC server is unavailable."
- How do I remove a printer to free up a printer license but still keep the transactions from my old printer?
- The Uniprint Pharos Administrator fails to load and open.
- Custom Modules - applying a registry key to the Popup Client using a Custom Module
- Logging the Pharos Mac Popup Client
- Changing Mac Installl Packages to include drivers that default to duplex printing
- Uniprint Suite - install package error "Failed to initialize the Installer Helper DLL: Unable to get a list of ports"
- Uniprint Suite - Terminal Services and Citrix Support
- How can I print from my Apple Mac computer to Uniprint?
- How Popup and Notify work from the Client to the Server in Pharos Uniprint.
- Uniprint Suite - Popup problem with Windows Terminal Services
- Pharos Stations and Pharos Remote do not display the password prompt
- How to add the Pharos Logging Service to a PC Station
- Printing Is Slow using the Uniprint Popup on a Mac with a Canon Fiery Driver
- Uniprint Support Articles
- Unable to start Pharos License Server service: error "Failed to start listener."
- Uniprint - Pharos Proxy Service is slow to respond and causes other services to fail
- Omega Terminal: How to have it display "Out of Order".
- How can I change the Pharos Updater Service - packages and log file location.
- Malware detected after installing Pharos Popups
- Uniprint Updater Service does not see any new updates for Print Center or the PharosAPI.
- Installing Pharos Popup Package on Windows Server 2016 fails at the Check Module install.
- Information on the Secure Release Service Application Data store
- Pharos EDI Error - Server Error - required permissions cannot be acquired
- Pharos PC Release Station slows down to a crawl
- How are Pharos Popup Packages created?
- Uniprint Package installation fails with "AddPrintProcessor failed with error = The parameter is incorrect." message.
- ITC 1500 Magnetic Card reader not connecting to Pharos PC Station.
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.26
- Uniprint EDI Service has stopped - "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
- Manually Remove 8.x Popups
- When I open the Pharos Reports application I get a license error or license warning about unmanaged devices.
- Uniprint 9.1 Print Center Update 4.8.6
- Differences Between Several Universal Printer Solutions
- Logging the PharosAPI at Debug Level instead of only errors.
- EDI Verification Tool Error Message: "XML document must have top level element"
- How to configure the Pharos PC Station Logoff Password to be blank.
- My iOS Device is not connecting to the Pharos Print Center application.
- How to determine which version of the Pharos Page Counter installed in Uniprint.
- How do I enable logging on the Mac SignUp Client?
- Uniprint Job Costing Overview
- Uniprint Suite - Error: Failed to initialize PsInst32 DLL: Unable to get a list of ports: The operation completed successfully
- Unable to Install Popups, received error message "unable to add print processor"
- Mac OS X Printing issue when using OS X Server
- Page Counter does not track n-up document feature (multiple pages on one page)
- Cannot start Pharos Remote. Error: "Socket operation on non-socket"
- Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when trying to view recent activity for a user in Pharos Remote.
- How to customize the Pharos Print Center Help link?
- Operating System and Hardware Support for 64 Bit and VMWare
- Windows service packs, hot fixes and updates
- Configure a Pharos PC Station not to display the User's balance.
- How do I install xp_encrypt?
- Mobile Print IMAP setup
- Keyboard Characters to NOT use for Pharos passwords
- Pharos Updater service does not update the Pharos Administrator application to the newer version 9.0.8959.157 R2.
- Uniprint Notify fails on Windows 10 Build 1909
- The Pharos License Server status in the Pharos Administrator shows as "Unable to determin status"
- I am unable to update my Uniprint license key, I receive a CRC check error.
- How to modify the log file options on a Pharos Customer Service Kiosk?
- Is it possible to change the Nerve Center timeout?
- Setting the Signup Client to boot into Windows
- Uniprint: How to repair the Pharos Updater Service after renaming the server
- Uniprint: Package builder does not launch.
- Failed to start Reaper thread
- Setting Up Job Cost Methods
- Pharos Remote Bank does not work with standard plug-ins
- Signup - Deep Freeze Configuration for Mac
- How to Disable Signup Client from a Terminal window
- IIS process "aspnet_wp.exe" taking 90% of CPU resources all the time
- How Does Uniprint Load Balance Printers?
- How to move Printer Queues to a newly added Pharos Print Server.
- Why are simplex print jobs charged as duplex print jobs?
- Uniprint 9.2 Pharos IPP Service
- Pharos Transaction log in SQL has grown very large. The default size is 30MB to start but may grow and shrink as needed based on the Database configuration.
- Uniprint: Encryption in Pharos Communications
- Deleting packages from Administrator does not remove them from the Uniprint website
- Uniprint deprecated feature list
- The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.
- When should I use the change control button?
- Uniprint Alert 29009 'License Server declined '%1' license limit'
- Jamex USB devices
- MobilePrint jobs may not print if the Device has restricted Job Attributes configured and the job contains an attribute that is not allowed.
- Configuring Active Directory with SignUp Vx2 - LAN Accounts
- LDAPLogin PLug-in fails when using SSL
- How does the Uniprint Package Automatic Update Module work?
- Distributing and Using Packages
- Pharos Station error: 'Error creating Destination job. Handle is invalid.'
- Secure Release Here: Users' jobs are not listed at terminals
- Secure Release Here: Users' print jobs are not printed
- Why doesn't the Deep Freeze screen appear in the SignUp Client installer?
- Uniprint : How to send print jobs to a printer that doesn't support LPD
- User funds are different from amount credited?
- Uniprint: Nerve Center Error: There is a problem with the page you are trying to reach and it cannot be displayed.
- Pharos Uniprint Suite Support for Apple MacOS 10.7 (Lion)
- Printer load balancing
- Signup client for Macintosh does not start correctly and the Mac boots to a blue screen.
- Unable to get a list of ports: The RPC service is unavailable.
- Print Jobs not being cleared out after Reprint Holding Period time expires
- Jobs cannot be released to some printers, returning "Error accessing destination job: The parameter is incorrect".
- Charge for scanning does not charge or record a transaction
- Uniprint: Diebold ETI Gateway configuration
- Dotnet Core 6 update
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.24
- How do I configure Uniprint to have one PC Station release print jobs to Color and Mono devices separately?
- Pharos Uniprint, SignUp and Off-the-Glass support for Microsoft SQL Server
- Uniprint 9.2 Sentry Print Service Update 3.76.6
- Uniprint: Secure Release Service will not start
- Printing from a Chromebook to a Uniprint system
- Signup client install error message "Unable to open HOSTS file".
- When you print a document to a printer that has the Duplex option enabled, an extra page may be printed and charged.
- Error: 'Pharos is not the database owner' during an upgrade of the Pharos Database.
- Print Center Apple Push Notification certificate renewal
- Hyperlinks to MyPrintCenter (Print Center) open a TAB in a browser then it closes immediately.
- Uniprint: Error when Microsoft .NET 4.5 is installed on Uniprint 8.3 server
- Reservation estimated wait times are inaccurate
- Uniprint Support Articles 1
- Sentry Print Service for Uniprint 9.2 Card Swipe Improvement configuration steps New
- How to enable SSO Logging for MyPrintCenter (Print Center)
- Failure to Install Any Print Packages
- How to change the Pop-up message in Uniprint?
- SE50 Device Secured but not Associated with its Terminal
- Uninstall SQL from Principal Server
- How to install client packages from different Uniprint environments on the same workstation
- Printing from Mac machines requires ASCII instead of Binary
- When printing from Internet Explorer, two PopUps are presented for one print job
- Print jobs are deleted when queue names do not match Windows printer names exactly.
- Printer not recognizing line-feed printing text from Unix.
- Pharos Station fails to start when Pharos Server that has multiple network cards
- Uniprint: Package count showing as N/A on Uniprint web page
- How to reset "Grants" back to the initial value and the "User Quota" spent.
- How to move the Secure Release Service (SRS) JobStore location (directory)
- Uniprint Web Packages web site generates the following error message: error 006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~800401f3
- How to modify the Queue Station to display LogonID, not Alias
- What steps are needed to clone a all-in-one Uniprint server?
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Server Update Rev 271
- Corrupt Install File!" error when installing the Uniprint Database to SQL
- How can I adjust the Pharos Queue Station refresh rate?
- Error Message "Installation Corrupt" on Windows 2008 R2
- Uniprint: Restricting Device Access for MobilePrint Users
- HP UPD and Pharos Uniprint
- Configuring Compatible Queues
- Do I have to upgrade through each version of Pharos to get to the latest version?
- Can't view Help from a remote location
- Combining Reservation Modes in SignUp
- Regional Settings changes do not appear to affect Informed Print messages
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.23
- The backup process for SQL Server 2008 doesn't work with Pharos. It fails with a error stating that "truncate only" is not a valid option.
- Diagnostics and Logging Packages
- Mac Popups don't work when using an account without local administor rights.
- Unable to change the printer driver for a Printer in Pharos Administrator, it displays as greyed out.
- Does Pharos SignUp support Intel Mac?
- When upgrading Uniprint I receive an error message "You need 42 GB available free space"
- Uniprint: Does the Pharos Offline Proxy store information in an encrypted format?
- Packages fail to build and do not appear on the web site
- Uniprint 9.1 Print Center Update 4.11.23
- Error when navigating to the Uniprint Packages Web Site "While attempting to show the package list, automation server cannot create object"
- Mobile Print 2.2.1 - Can I modify the email templates that get sent to a user?
- Pharos Updater shows a non-server machine on its list of hosts.
- Adobe Illustrator does not correctly charge for color jobs
- My Print Center returns to logon screen when selecting any menu item.
- Why does the Uniprint database run in SQL compatibility mode?
- Configuring IIS for the SignUp and Uniprint Web Services
- Mac 10.8 Error: Pharos package can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer. Your security preferences allow installation of only app
- Verifying server component version/builds
- The main page of the Pharos Help File is empty.
- Pharos Print Center and Microsoft Surface Windows RT
- Can Printer Sharing and Popups be used between Macs?
- How many copy lines does Pharos support?
- Blocked Files Information
- Pharos PopUp printing outside the Windows Domain when the system is on a specific Windows Domain.
- What is Informed Print?
- Pharos Uniprint and Maple (math software)
- Integer-type Popups Question fails: "can not start user interface"
- How to designate the Print Job Owner without using Popup questions or SignUp Client
- Uniprint 9.2 Print Center Update 5.0.27 - Security Update
- Uniprint 9.2 Popup Package Controller Revision 315
- Uniprint 9.1 SignUp Nerve Center Update Rev 654 - Security Update
- Uniprint 9.2 SignUp Visitor Purge Stored Procedure Update
- Uniprint 9.2 SignUp Nerve Center Update Rev 317
- MobilePrint Compatibility Matrix for Uniprint
- Uniprint 9.1 Print Center Update 4.11.24 - Security Update
- Uniprint 9.2 Pharos EDI Service Update Rev 321
- Uniprint 9.1 SP3 Pharos EDI Service Update Rev 657
- Tablet PC Support
- Getting to Pharos Print Center Without Typing '/myprintcenter'
- How to Determine Print Drivers Being Used in Uniprint
- eConnect for Pharos Uniprint.pdf (v1.6)
- Uniprint Suite - install stops with error message "Pharos cannot be installed"
- Release Notes
- iMFP
- Pharos iMFP and Sentry Supported Devices
- Pharos HP iMFP - On the panel I am seeing a 45.00.33 or 45.00.3C error - Error: SSL certificate or SSH md5 fingerprint not OK
- HP Integrated Printer Readiness Guide
- KM iMFP v1.5.2.x: Error Code 2236 is displayed on device panel trying to authenticate
- Konica Minolta Integrated Printer Readiness Guide
- Using the Pharos HP iMFP solution the display shows a 200.2 error when attempting to login.
- How Do You Configure Automatic Log Off for Canon imageRUNNER Advance series
- Pharos Omega PS200 Installation and Configuration Guide
- Pharos HP iMFP supported devices and firmware
- Pharos iMFP for Ricoh Installation and Configuration Guide
- Memory Full" error on a Canon Image Runner Advance 6555i
- Pharos iMFP for HP FutureSmart Deployment Guide
- Pharos iMFP for Konica Minolta Installation Guide
- Canon iMFP - MFD Error Message - Cannot store job information for the user currently logged on user or apply settings changes.
- Change the Inactivity Timeout value for Konica Minolta iMFP.
- Pharos iMFP for Xerox Installation and Configuration Guide
- Our HP devices display a USB Error on panel when swiping a card from a sleep state.
- Unsupported Card Type - Data Truncated
- Xerox iMFP: Authentication failure with error "Unknown error unable to authenticate".
- Unable to install Pharos iMFP onto supported Xerox printer
- On a Omega PS200 How do I change the CA Certificate it uses?
- Pharos iMFP for Xerox Troubleshooting Guide
- Pharos iMFP for Konica Minolta Device Configuration Guide
- iMFP: When swiping a card I receive the error message "Invalid Card Type"
- Ricoh iMFP: Certificate error when connecting to the Pharos EDI
- Ricoh iMFP: How to use RSH to obtain an RLOG from a Ricoh iMFP device.
- No response when swiping card at Ricoh device with Magtek Reader in HID mode.
- Errors installing Xerox iMFP 2.6.5 to a Xerox AltaLink device.
- Omega Terminal: Displays the error "Error verifying peer certificate: the certificate has expired"
- Pharos iMFP installation fails on HP Futuresmart MFP
- HP Devices - Sending High Page-count Jobs via IPP or IPPS Don't Fully Print
- Pharos Omega PS200 Quick Start Guide v1.0.1
- “Invalid username or password” when using Omega with a Billing Gateway
- Omega PS200: Terminal Device calibration method.
- Can I display error messages on the printer display instead of printing them?
- How can I increase the inactivity logout timer for the HP iMFP
- How do I connect a magnetic card swipe reader using a HP Jet Direct connectivity card?
- Kit Installation Guide for Card Reader, PS60, and PS200
- How do I enable logging on a Pharos Omega or iMFP Terminal?
- iMFP solution for Konica Minolta - supported devices
- Xerox iMFP: Error "Accept Invalid Certificate Temporarily" displayed when pressing the Print Release button.
- Network Unavailable. The connection was refused remotely. Contact an Administrator" message when configuring Pharos iMFP or Omega Terminals for the Pharos EDI Server
- Pharos iMFP for Konica-Minolta: The "Pharos for Konica Minolta" service does not start after installation
- Pharos Canon Integrated MFP 1.0.26 Release
- iMFP for Canon - Supported Devices and Firmware
- iMFP Xerox: Xerox device does not detect card swipe events from a Magtek card reader
- Xerox iMFP 2.9.8 and Versalink devices do not display the Login Text and Title on the display..
- Canon iMFP Error: "User is Locked on Terminal
- Pharos Omega PS60 1.1.0 Firmware
- Card reader data tracks supported by Pharos Omega devices
- Pharos iMFP for Hewlett-Packard FutureSmart installs, but does not load on the device.
- How do I update the HP printer firmware with the Pharos HP iMFP software installed?
- Konica Minolta Management Console would fail to manage devices.
- Omega PS150 - Error: "object reference not set to an instance of an object"
- A user sees another user's jobs when logging in to a Pharos Systems terminal (Omega, iMFP)
- Pharos iMFP for Xerox Quick Start
- Pharos Omega PS150 2.1.1 Revision 6605
- Magtek card reader on HP 5035
- Failed to initiate Logon DLL because 'Could not open com port!' Could not initialize card reader. Please contact the administrator"
- Lexmark iMFP: Scan to Email produces an EDI Error "The method 'B' is not implemented."
- How do I enable a Ricoh device to function with the Pharos Omega?
- Unable to set the EDI EndPoint for Sharp iMFP – I get the following error: HTTP Error 500.19 Internal Server Error on a Windows Server 2008 with .Net 4.
- Pharos IMFP application fails to install.
- Pharos Canon Integrated iMFP 2.1.20 Release
- How do I list the MEAP Contents and Controller Version for a Canon MFP?
- This USB device is not supported" shows on the display of the HP FutureSmart iMFP
- Pharos HP Integrated MFP 2.2.2 Release
- Error when trying to re-manage a Konica Minolta device with Pharos software after device was reset to factory defaults.
- USB magnetic card reader stops working on Canon iMFP
- Canon iMFP is showing "exceeded license" limit.
- How to turn on logging for Omega PS150/PS200 Network Terminals?
- Canon iMFP: Busy reconciling offline transactions" viewed on the Canon iMFP panel when logging in.
- HP 4730 MFD USB Card Swipe
- HP iMFP Integration does not install successfully HP iMFP 9050
- iMFP for KM v2.x - Logon issues when copier or printer are in sleep or low power mode
- Some new jobs do not appear on Release Stations
- Xerox iMFP: Device not obeying the Terminal Inactivity Timeout value.
- When installing the Ricoh iMFP software to a devce there is an error "registering the home icon".
- Pharos iMFP for Xerox Update (v2.9.8)
- The AVS Kiosk displays "Stop, Temporarily Out Of Order" on the touch screen display.
- Using a Billing Gateway with Omega - PlugIn.Result = true;
- Changing KM Printer Properties to Reflect Specific Device Options
- How to flash the newer Omega PS200ET Terminal devices with a version of firmware?
- Pharos Omega Cable Table
- Logging MEAP on a Canon device
- Ports used by Omega PS150
- Xerox iMFP: Failure to manage a Xerox multifunction device
- Color copies not monitored by Fuji Xerox copier
- How the authentication module work on Pharos Canon integrated devices?
- How do I locate the serial numbers on Pharos Omega PS150 Components?
- Omega PS200 Administrator Remote Control Function
- When using Canon Universal Send to scan to email the following message appears: "Transmission has been suspended. Contact system manager."
- Xerox iMFP - Error adding printer "host not found"
- Omega Screen stuck in calibration mode
- Pharos HP Integrated MFP 2.1.2 Release
- Xerox iMFP fails to install on WC5330 (WC53xx models)
- Issues Page Counting Kyocera print jobs.
- KM iMFP - How to change the log file directory for the service & application.
- w3wp process is using 100 percent CPU usage
- iMFP Articles
- What does “Required Printer network Settings” mean on the Pharos Omega PS150 web page?
- Pharos iMFP for HP - Recommended Engine Firmware
- Does the Pharos Canon MEAP integration support scanning?
- Omega PS150 Screen is not centered
- When I connect my Pharos Omega PS150 network traffic increases.
- Omega device displays the following error message."No Pharos Print Server configured in Registry. Please contact Pharos support."
- What ports does the Pharos Omega PS150 running in Firewall mode block/restrict?
- Does the Pharos Canon MEAP Integration support fax monitoring?
- PS150 Web Page Error Message: "The connection has timed out"
- Is the Omega Copier Adaptor Cable working?
- Event Log Error generated on Pharos Kiosk when collecting funds
- Is the Pharos Canon MEAP Integration compatible with Canon Universal Send?
- How do I turn the sound off on an Omega PS150?
- If I upgrade my Pharos Omega PS150 with updated firmware will I lose my settings?
- Canon USB Magnetic Card Swipe Error Codes
- Configuring the Sharp iMFP in IIS7
- Omega displays Error IncorrectSiteCode: The site code is incorrect
- How does the copy function of the Pharos Canon MEAP integration work?
- Canon EDI logs show the same user attempting to login every 5 minutes
- How do I install the Pharos Omega PS150 Schema?
- Is the Pharos Canon MEAP Integration compatible with Canon Authorized Send?
- Omega Ports
- Why can I browse to my Printer or MFP configuration page after turning on firewall mode on the Omega PS150?
- My Pharos Omega PS150 firmware upgrade fails. What should I do?
- Pharos HP Integrated MFP 1.2.18 Release
- Pharos Omega: How do I edit the demo.xml file?
- How does the print function of the Pharos Canon Integration work?
- Omega installation and configuration information
- Omega PS-150 : Unable to Flash or Restart via Web
- How do I automatically turn on the screen after being in Screen Turn Off mode?
- Pharos Omega PS 60 server settings don't list the Pharos EDI Server as an allowed print server.
- Error message "No Pharos Print Server configured in Registry" displayed on an Omega device
- Omega Functionality with Stored Value Card readers
- PS150 Web remote error - unsupported action: the maximum number of omegas allowed by the edi server has been reached
- Does the Pharos Omega PS60 support DDNS?
- Omega PS150 Mounting Information
- Pharos Product Notice - Pharos iMFP for HP v1
- How to edit the PS150 SmartHub BIOS
- HP e-mail "from" address shows employee ID instead of e-mail address.
- Ricoh iMFP prompts for a User Code.
- Ricoh iMFP 1.3.2 - Charges multiple times for same job
- Common Name Does Not Match
- Omega PS 150 card swipe issue
- Omega PS150 floods LAN with packets when used with Xerox MFP
- Why is my Pharos PS150 CopyLink firmware listed as an older version even after I update the PS150 firmware?
- Error "sh.exe has stopped working" when executing the Omega usb-hdd-install.bat on a Vista machine
- iMFP for HP - device error 49.4205 - ERROR To continue turn off then on
- What should the default network configuration be for a Pharos Omega PS150?
- HP iMFP - Error logging in "Sequence contains no elements"
- Does the Pharos Canon Integrated MFP support 3rd Party Charging?
- How costing works in the KM OpenAPISDK messages, which are logged in the OpenAPISDK log file
- After installing the Pharos Canon Integrated MFP software my copy screen looks different.
- Pharos iMFP for HP Version 2.x Cost Center Limitations
- Disabling Pharos demo mode on a Canon iMFP with an unknown IP address.
- PS150 does not enable the copier
- Xerox iMFP: "Initialization Error (getStartupDataSucceeded): SyntaxError 1123: Comma expected between elements of object initialization" returned after the user logs on and attempts to release a print job.
- Why aren't my transactions uploaded if I turn off my Canon iMFP?
- Ability to switch to the GSNX application on some Ricoh devices
- After I install the iMFP integration I am unable to logon to the iMFP
- Pharos Canon Integration Copy Ratio Problems
- A Device has been added with the name "NULL".
- Does the Omega support external devices that connect using RS232
- HP iMFP - Users not able to copy more than one page at a time when set to Advance and have enough funds.
- Pharos iMFP for Canon versions 2.3.10 and 2.4.0 schema file change.
- Pharos Omega 1.5.5 Revision 6399 (Queens Cliff U5)
- Problem Installing iMFP for HP from Windows 7
- PS200 Dimensions
- What to do With HP 49.xxxx errors.
- Using the KM iMFP all of the devices have gone missing.
- Magtek Part Numbers for HP, Canon and PS150 Devices
- When I swipe my card at our MP C4500 I get the following error: “VAS handle get err”.
- I get the following error in the HP iMFP log saying "Logon denied This terminal does not allow to charge to personal account" in a Blueprint environment.
- How do I determine what HP printer firmware I'm running?
- HP iMFP Error: "No connection found"
- Canon Device Error: "There is no valid printer for printing this job from this station"
- Canon Integration Error Message: 'The PharosStation: xxx does not exist'
- Changing the HP 4345's Hold Off Time to improve slow response from card readers.
- HP iMFP does not record copy job
- How to reinitialize the Hard Drive on the HP iMFP?
- How to perform a cold reset on the HP devices ?
- MobilePrint
- MobilePrint Documentation
- Pharos Print
- Downloads
- Support articles
- Pharos Mobile Print: Installing an updated License Key.
- MobilePrint print jobs do not print as configured (color mode, single-sided/double-sided)
- Mobile Print: Advanced Features for Document Scaling and SSL Configuration Options
- MobilePrint: Print Driver error releasing a print job from Print Center
- MobilePrint: How to configure Pharos MobilePrint for Microsoft Office 365 Mail Server
- Configure the MobilePrint listening port and use a certificate with a name different than the hostname
- MP Administration tab doesn't show up in the Print Center after install of MP 2.1.
- How to modifiy the email message a MobilePrint user receives when their documents are ready to release.
- Print Scout
- Sentry
- Pharos Sentry Print SE50 Deployment Guide
- Technote - Uniprint and Sentry Print Integration
- Ricoh Integrated Printer Readiness
- Xerox Integrated Printer Readiness
- Toshiba Integrated Printer Readiness
- Omega & Sentry Terminals: Latest Firmware
- Canon Integrated Printer Readiness
- Secure Print Failover
- Sentry SR25 - How to obtain a log file from the SR25 device.
- Sentry Base: Installation and Configuration v2.0
- How to enable logging for the Sentry Base server application.
- Manage Firmware for Sentry SR25 - Blueprint and Uniprint
- How to enable logging for Pharos Sentry Base Service?
- SignUp
- Moving Signup Clients to a new Branch without loosing transactional data.
- Standby reservations are sometimes not available when using all three reservation modes.
- Nerve Center Reservation DLL logging
- Error: An error has occurred on a page you were trying to view. The Signup Server is not running.
- Nerve Center Error: No Branches Available
- Clients not always being kicked off before scheduled reservations.
- Migrating a SignUp Server to a new host
- How to configure Signup for Thawspace on a remote location
- How to change the default Billing Option for Users created in the Nerve Center.
- EDI Test error message "The EDI could not contact any server for Authentication"
- Is there any way to automatically populate the username field at the SignUp Client computers and then just request the password?
- How do I add standard US holidays to Pharos SignUp?
- Why is the SignUp Client timer icon obscured by the status bar when using Terminal Services?
- How do I find out what SignUp client version I am running?
- SignUp Client Mac OSX Server support
- Client machines do not shut down from the logon screen.
- Troubleshooting
- Error: "There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper."
- HOW TO: Diagnose 401.x HTTP errors on IIS
- Logging Pharos Products
- How to use Microsoft/Sysinternals DebugView application to capture debug output for analysis?
- How to program a Magtek USB card reader
- Click "Test Popups" in the Pharos Administrator: displays the error: "Failed to connect to host localhost on port 28203"
- MAC OS X Popup Client Error: "Remote host did not accept control file (54)"
- TCP/IP Ports and Firewalls in Pharos
- Printer Readiness Guides for Secure Release
- Hardening .Net Framework Applications with Stronger Cryptographic Protocols
- All Products: Testing a Device's Support of the LPD Protocol
- How to enable the Windows PrintService Event logging?
- Text on page is missing letters.
- Uniprint: Pharos Reports - Crystal Reports error while trying to run reports - failure with CRPE32.dll
- Error message "Unable to connect to the Popup Server, unable to locate the port number."
- Print Center: A Power Point document printed via Print Center causes the printer to request Executive size paper
- Touchless Printing for Mobile Devices
- Failed to execute query - Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
- Which printer drivers are supported by Pharos Uniprint and Blueprint?
- Pharos EDI: How to create a certificate with Subject Alternate Names (SANs)
- All Products: Login Delays or Failures Caused by Timeouts
- When printing to a Canon Print Queue we recieve the following printing error - “Cannot print because the version of the device controller function is old. Contact the administrator for details”
- Unable to install Pharos SSL certificate due to an error
- How to add a manufacturer's printer installer application to a Custom Mac Popup Package
- Pharos Database Service fails to start with Event log Error: Caught a general error with message 'Cannot open database requested in login 'pharos'. Login fails.
- Pharos Print Center Error: Received A Negative Response When Attempting Convert
- Uniprint & Blueprint: How Printer Ports and Port Monitors are used within the Windows Spooler.
- PDF files do not print correctly, or do not print at all
- Erratic print behavior, warnings of "deleted" jobs, excessive "spool" file sizes, inaccurate print attributes, incorrect user for print job, and 0 KB spool files
- SNMP-based Functions (Device Status, Device Discovery, Collection) Aren't Working
- The LDF file can not be created when attaching it to SQL Server and I also receive an error message
- Preton Saver - Creating an application policy for a non-printing application
- Pharos Page Counts: Print Spooler vs. Device meters.
- Pharos EDI API
- Print Center: When loading MyPrintCenter I get a version mismatch error
- Blueprint Enterprise 5.3/Uniprint 9.2 Interoperability with Pharos iMFP for Konica-Minolta 1.5.x and 2.x
- Jobs configured to print as "black and white" (also known as monochrome or grayscale printing) are identified as color print jobs in reporting, and are also priced out as such for billing/charge back.
- Blueprint Enterprise - Securing a print queue fails with "Access Denied" message
- Complex Documents Result In Inaccurate Job Attributes (page count, color mode, paper size, finishing functions, duplex mode)
- Diebold UTI Gateway Error: Access violation at address 77BD92F9 in module 'msvcrt.dll'. Read of address 00000000
- Blueprint: Large print jobs do not print when released from a Secure Release Here (SRH) terminal.
- How to enable logging for Pharos Mobile Print.
- Print Driver Missing “Dependent Files”
- How to update the Pharos Page Counter.
- Failed to retrieve printer information. Connection refused." error in Package Builder.
- When Will Your Database Run Out Of Space?
- Pharos Station - Error "Pharos Station
- Uniprint and Antivirus /Anti Malware recommendations
- SignUp Client Error: "Out of order. The configuration for this computer could not be loaded"
- Pharos Systems Secure Release Service crashes whenever a print job is released
- Customizing Pharos Reports
- Install package error: "AddPrinter failed with error= The printer driver is unknown."
- Blackboard Gateway returns error message "Biller:CMD_FAIL[#28]Transaction failed. Unknown Error(Code = 124)."
- Roles and Responsibilities - Pharos Solutions
- How to modify the license key name and site code in the Pharos database
- Multiple Popup Problem when using Windows Terminal Services
- Access Denied" error occurs when building installation packages on the Pharos Print Server
- Could not connect to the Pharos EDI Server: 006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~800401f3
- SignUp Nerve Center installed on the same server as Microsoft Exchange
- Error: Unable to add print processor, the parameter is incorrect. Pharos Popups cannot be installed.
- MAC Issue - Auto Package Installer not installing printer drivers automatically
- Migrating from the NT Logon Plug-in to the Active Directory LDAP Plug-in
- PDF printing is slow or delayed.
- Cluster Tips
- Uniprint: Working with Epson devices and Page Counting.
- How to clean Windows Printer ports and drivers when faulty?
- Change the server spool folder location
- Updating the Page Counter - Why?
- Pharos Systems Client Software Support for Microsoft Windows 7
- How do I enable the LDAP Plug-in to authenticate against version 3 of LDAP?
- Pharos Product Support for Windows Server 2012 R1 and R2
- When batch loading users into the Pharos database, users' groups don't change within Pharos to match their domain.
- Why am I charged for an extra page when I select duplex printing from Internet Explorer?
- How do I change the SA password and turn off the SQL security policy in SQL 2005?
- Microsoft SQL Server Recovery Model Options for Pharos Blueprint and Uniprint
- Changed Domain on server - " Unable to login user 'pharos' "
- Install package error: AddPrinter failed with error The printer driver is unknown.
- Brief Overview of Debugging the Blueprint/Uniprint Tracker
- How do block reservations affect existing scheduled reservations?
- Install Package Error: Pharos Module Updater cannot be installed on this machine
- Using WSUS Service and the Pharos Web Pages (Nerve Center, Uniprint, Pharos Remote)
- Auto Archive Transaction details at a specified time
- The conflict occurred in database 'pharos', table 'transactions', column 'qty'
- Page Counting and Adobe Acrobat/Acrobat Reader 7, 8, 9, and X
- Popups stop working after upgrade to Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or OSX 10.5 (Leopard)
- How to configure VCC Card Readers to authenticate card swipe against Card ID field
- Windows 7 - Grouping Printer Objects
- Tracker error: "Call to server failed: 0x80044307 (Error in response - No response data available from the server)"
- When I click print why do I receive the error "Unable to load the questions from the Popup Server - The Pharos Spool Queue does not exist"?
- Clients cannot log in with NT logon plug-in because the domain is unavailable
- Customizing the Mobile Print email notifications.
- Pharos Secure Release Here: Configuring Secure Release for an EFI Fiery-controlled Printer
- How to repress dollar value balances on Pharos Stations
- SIRSI SIP gateway does not authenticate passwords/pin numbers
- Unable to upgrade Pharos Database, error "Database master not recognized as a PHAROS database."
- 'Billing cancelled by plug-in: AT&T replied invalid transaction for tender:01'.
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- Mac auto installation files fail to install printers
- Troubleshooting
- Tracker install error: "The application or DLL C:\WINNT\system32\OLE32.DLL is not a valid Windows image."
- NT Logon Plug-in fails logons on Active Directory
- OpenSSL TLS heartbeat read overrun defect (Heartbleed)
- The "Advanced" printer icon appears to be grayed out and or does not do anything when clicked while installing MAC Popups.
- When running Pharos Reports on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 there is no button to change the Default Printer.
- Job Cost Method is not charging for the correct paper size with a Toshiba PCL driver.
- Monitor Translator error: "Received Soap Fault: 2; Translator.ConnectFailure; Failed to create SOAP client object"
- When I Batch Set Balances, Batch Credit or Batch Debit Users I receive a timeout error in Pharos Administrator
- Error when running EDI verification test
- Out of memory error when building packages
- Why don't packages build on remote Print Servers?
- Creating banner pages
- Unsupported Crystal XI Reports Export Formats
- Server Performance Monitoring and Analysis
- Error: You must specify a Database server that is either local or a local named instance
- How do I change the Diebold ETI communication port?
- How do I find the EDI password?
- Screen Prints From QWS3270 (a terminal emulation application) Are Hard To Read
- Pharos Web Remote only displays 100 transactions
- Banner Template fails when using parenthesis in the filename of the job
- Pharos Administrator Alert Error Message: "No Popup data available"
- Pharos Remote's transaction view does not display local currency
- Pharos Web remote displays 500 errors when selecting a transaction from the printing tab.
- How does Pharos printer error detection work?
- Popup Client fails after upgrade with "Connection timed out"
- Transactions Log file keeps growing.
- When I select alerts in the Pharos Administrator I receive the following error "Unable to load the full list of Alerts"
- Custom field definitions for the Internet Charging module
- Microsoft Windows displays fewer printers than are installed
- How do I credit or debit a group of users?
- How to setup Innovative Gateway without using PIN number
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- How do I use the Microsoft MemSnap monitoring tool?
- None of the buttons appear when I try to build a client installation package
- IIS Error: Unauthorized: Authorization failed by an ISAPI/CGI application. Internet Information Services (IIS)
- ODBC errors during Pharos installation
- Corrupt print jobs when sending via Novell
- Problem with Nerve Center obtaining Cookies
- ASP.NET does not work with the default ASP.NET account on a domain controller
- Error: 'Not supported' when running Pharos Reports.
- Pharos Station debits ITC card, but print job does not release.
- Package creation error: "Communication Error - please try again: Server Closed Connection."
- ComTaskMaster service will not start
- Diebold ETI Error: Configure file not loaded
- Employee Transaction detail report lists certain document titles with high page counts
- Can the Pharos Web Remote be branded with our company logo's or colors?
- IIS Error: The requested resource is in use.
- Secure Release Here: Users cannot log on at terminals
- Why does a Patron Search (Nerve Center) return all users from all groups and not just the Group selected?
- Discount Rates Schedules don't work when using Standard Charging
- Popup Package Failed to Enumerate Ports, Error Code=1726
- What versions of Crystal Reports does Pharos use?
- Pharos Popup Client displays two popups per print job
- Pharos Station fails to connect to server.
- Pharos Station reservation Cancel button does not always work
- Print Jobs Disappearing from Pharos Queue immediately
- Collector can contact Analyst on install, but fails server health checks
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- Pharos Innovative III Gateway PatronData calls are failing.
- Failed to call MS XML parser Class not registered
- Spool queue not showing correct features.
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- ITCChip logon DLL - Cash version of DLL
- Updating SiteMonitor SQL connection settings
- Screen Prints From QWS3270 (a terminal emulation application) Are Hard To Read
- Error: The memory could not be "written".
- Pharos Station screen saver won't display
- Unable to see the newly added print queue on a clustered printserver after installing a Collector/Tracker on it. And the print queues remain in a "printed" state.
- When a user prints they recieve the following Print Station error message "Unable to select a Printer: Printer 'Printer1' is in error state 'Error, Job printing, Error'
- Cluster Registry Key issues
- VMware and Virtual Machine Product Support
- How to remove all the Transactions associated with a Printer.
- If I change the print driver on the server will the Automatic Updater also update the driver on the desktops?
- Pharos Administrator error "An MFD requires a Copy Station that uses the same print server and does not already have the maximum number of copiers."
- Diebold ETI Error: Configure file not loaded
- Removing the Pharos AutoUpdater from installed Popup Clients
- CBORD Odyssey Gateway using "Keyboard Entry" mode and not "Swipe Entry" mode.
- How can I determine the service pack that's installed on SQL Server?
- SQL Server stopped due to oversized Transaction Log.
- Color application limiting does not work with Terminal Services
- Can Blueprint and Uniprint be installed on the same machine?
- How do I use DBCC ?
- How to modify reports to exclude holiday days.
- When I update configuration settings at the Analyst, they do not appear at Collectors
- How do I reset printer statistics so that printer pooling works correctly?
- How to change Nic Bindings of two network cards?
- VMWare : Resize Virtual Disk & Partition
- WCF Service
- Capturing a detailed log from the Popup Client components
- Can I run the WCF on another port?
- DNS failure on client machines
- How to override batching settings on Tracker machines
- Vista Popup Installation Error Message: "An unidentified program wants access to your computer"
- SQL PASS Organization
- After I install Mac Popups, the Popup application keeps prompting me for server information.
- Troubleshooting
- Can I create a visitor account in "Arrears"?
- Sirsi Contact Information
- Secure Release Here: How to share print jobs across multiple Pharos print servers.
- Stunnel Overview and Configuration
- What Pharos Client List Servers do clients use?
- VCC is not registering the correct coin value
- Pharos Discovery Report:'UserJobCount' field in the .xml file does not represent the correct number of jobs for the user
- How should I configure Clean Slate to allow the Pharos Auto Updater to run?
- Network printer is not available for printing when printing an image file
- What data is transmitted by the Online Services?
- TCP/IP Services file can be overwritten by other software
- Security Notifications
- Pharos Response to HP UPD vulnerabilities
- Pharos Response to OpenPrinting CUPS vulnerabilities (Sept 2024)
- Pharos Response to Polyfill.io Malicious Code (CVE-2024-38526)
- Pharos Products and Operations Unaffected by Crowdstrike Error
- Pharos Response to Ghostscript Vulnerability
- Uniprint Security Update - June 2024
- Blueprint and Uniprint Security Update December 2023
- Pharos software is NOT susceptible to the new WS_FTP Vulnerability - October 2023
- Pharos Response to WebP Vulnerability - September 2023
- Print Center Security Update for Blueprint and Uniprint - August 2023
- Pharos Response to MOVEit Vulnerability - June 2023
- Pharos Response to Text2Shell Vulnerability - December 2022
- Pharos response to OpenSSL 3.x vulnerability - November 2022
- Pharos Response to jQuery Vulnerability (CVE-2020-11023) - June 2022
- Pharos response to Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) vulnerability (CVE-2022-30190) - June 2022
- Impact of VMware Vulnerabilities on Pharos Products - May 2022
- Impact of Java Vulnerabilities on Oracle Products - April 2022
- Impact of Java Spring Framework Vulnerabilities on Pharos - April 2022
- Impact of Okta Security Breach - March 2022
- Pharos Response to CVE-2021-44790 and CVE-2021-44224 - December 2021
- Impact of Log4j Exploit on Pharos - January 2022
- Pharos Response to PrintNightmare Vulnerability - September 2021
- New PrintNightmare Windows Exploit: CVE-2021-36958 - September 2021
- Pharos software is not susceptible to the new Apache Struts vulnerability nor to the Jackson-databind vulnerability - June 2020
- Pharos Products and Services Unaffected by the SolarWinds Exploit - December 2020
- Using the Site Security Utility to create a strong password for additional security
- Pharos Beacon Infrastructure Upgraded To Remove Vulnerability to Meltdown/Spectre.Other Services Not Directly Vulnerable. - June 2020
- Legal Information
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- Submitting a Technical Support request to Pharos Systems Technical Support
- Pharos Systems Technical Support Hours of Operation
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- Obtaining a license key
- Pharos Support Hours and Contact Information
- Print Center 4.4 Release Notes
- Supported Operating System Languages
- RMA Process
- Pharos - Looking for assistance with my Pharos Lighting Equipment.
- Customer SSL Certificates
- 09 Apr 2024
- 1 Minute to read
MobilePrint print jobs do not print as configured (color mode, single-sided/double-sided)
Pharos Systems MobilePrint 2.0
Pharos Systems MobilePrint 1.3.x
Pharos Systems Print Center
Pharos Systems WebRelease
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server
Microsoft Windows 2008 Server
Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Server
Microsoft Windows 2012 Server
Jobs do not print with expected attributes.
Single sided jobs print double sided.
Double sided jobs print single sided.
Black and white jobs print in color.
Color jobs print in black and white.
While Pharos Systems MobilePrint allows users to change the finishing options of jobs that have already been rendered by the print driver (plex mode, number of copies, color mode, and number of pages per sheet), some driver manufacturers have chosen to use proprietary (non-standard) attributes instead. By manipulating the printer driver configuration and managing the defaults for the user account running the MobilePrint Worker service, much of this can be resolved.
Accessing the print queue when the MobilePrint Worker service is running as a domain user:
Log into the server using the account that runs the MobilePrint Worker service.
Accessing the print queue when the MobilePrint Worker service is running as LocalSystem:
Download PS Tools from www.microsoft.com/sysinternals.
Extract to a folder locally on the server.
Start an Administrator command prompt session and change your current directory to that of PS Tools.
Run this command:
psexec -I -s cmd.exe
Type whoami at the prompt to ensure that you're running as "nt authority\system". If not, use the command in Step 4 again. Repeat.
Run this command:
control /name Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinters
That will start Devices and Printers (assuming Win 2k8 or 2012) as LocalSystem.
To change the print queue properties:
Go into Properties for the queue utilizing the third party driver for MobilePrint.
Go to the Configuration tab (if one exists) and ensure that the queue is configured as a Color device and that all necessary options (duplex tray, for example) are enabled for the queue. If there are any "Automatic" settings for a configuration, disable these.
Go to the Advanced tab, click the "Printing Defaults" button. Configure preferences here for SINGLE-SIDED plex mode and COLOR color mode. Click OK and APPLY this change.
While on the Advanced tab. Uncheck the "Enable Advanced Printing Features" option. APPLY this change.
Go to the General tab, click the "Printing Defaults" button. Verify that the preferences here for SINGLE-SIDED finishing and COLOR mode. Click OK and APPLY this change.
Finally, launch the MobilePrint Administrator web page and ensure that the devices using the third-party driver have "Black and White Conversion" handled by the Printer.
Related articles
- Pharos Print App Help
- MobilePrint: Print Driver error releasing a print job from Print Center
- MobilePrint jobs may not print if the Device has restricted Job Attributes configured and the job contains an attribute that is not allowed.
- Jobs configured to print as "black and white" (also known as monochrome or grayscale printing) are identified as color print jobs in reporting, and are also priced out as such for billing/charge back.
- Complex Documents Result In Inaccurate Job Attributes (page count, color mode, paper size, finishing functions, duplex mode)
- Omega Screen stuck in calibration mode