How to reset "Grants" back to the initial value and the "User Quota" spent.
  • 28 Mar 2024
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How to reset "Grants" back to the initial value and the "User Quota" spent.

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Article summary

How can I reset the Grant back to its initial value and the user quotas?

We have a Cost Center set up as a grant that has a "budget" of  x dollars and each user that is assigned to be able to use that CC has a quota.  The new fiscal year is starting so we need to reset the grant's budget pool back to the default budget value of x dollars and also reset each user's "spent amount" back to zero.  I have looked in the Help section in Pharos Administrator but do not find a way to do this.

In order to reset the dollar values of the Grant and the Quota value for each user follow the information below.

Note: You can reset this property back to zero using the "Reset Grant" action from the Charging Models action pane.

  1. Open the Pharos Administrator

  2. Navigate on the left hand side to Third Party Charging > Charging Models > select your Charging Model > Expand to a Category where the Grant exists > select the Grant.

  3. On the right hand side in the Actions Pane of the MMC click on the link to "Reset Grant".

See attached screen shot for reference.

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