Pharos Uniprint Signup Client 9.0.9 for macOS/Mac OS X
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Pharos Uniprint Signup Client 9.0.9 for macOS/Mac OS X

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Article summary

Quick Start

  • Make sure DNS is correctly configured on the network.

  • Make sure that the computer has been set up with appropriate user accounts or that it is configured to use a directory server.

  • Make sure that unauthorized access to sensitive applications and information on the computer has been properly restricted.

  • Log in as an administrator and run the SignUp Vx3 installer on the Mac OS X computer.

  • At the end of the installation process, enter the required details in the SignUp Setup Assistant.

  • Restart to enable SignUp Vx3.

  • The latest Mac SignUp updates can be obtained from the Pharos Community.



Release Date



Pharos SignUp Vx3 Client 9.0.9

for MacOS X 10.7 – macOS 12

SEP 2017




  • Pharos SignUp Vx3 for Mac OS X works with Uniprint 8.2 or later version. This update has been tested against SignUp Vx3 in 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.0 R2 and 9.1. It is expected that this version will also work with 8.1 and earlier versions of Vx3, however this has not been officially tested.

  • Pharos SignUp Vx3 requires a 64-bit version Mac OS X/macOS. Supported versions are 10.7 - 12.

  • Big Sur (11.x) is supported on Intel and M1 using the package we provide.  Components of the package cannot be unpacked and repacked into new packages.  The individual components are not certified separately.

  • The computer must be able to connect to the Pharos Database Server during installation.

  • There must be a working DNS on the network.

Installing SignUp

To install SignUp Vx3 for Mac OS X, run the installer and complete all the steps in the SignUp Setup Assistant:

  1. Obtain the file   SignUp.dmg  from Pharos Systems.

  2. Double-click this file to create a new disk image in Finder. This disk contains the SignUp Vx3 installer,   SignUp.pkg.

  3. Double-click the installer to run it. You may be requested to authenticate yourself as an administrator.

  4. Select a destination disk. You will only be able to select the startup disk.

  5. Click   Install  (or   Upgrade). The installer automatically installs SignUp Vx3 and required support files.

  6. At the end of the install process, the installer will launch the SignUp Setup Assistant. Complete all the steps in the Assistant to finish the install process and enable SignUp Vx3.

  7. Restart the computer.

Note that the SignUp Setup Assistant is installed in the directory  /Library/Application Support/Pharos/Utilities. You can run it at any time to add the computer to the Pharos Database or to enable or disable SignUp Vx3.

Disabling SignUp

SignUp Vx3 can be disabled at any time by running the SignUp Setup Assistant:

  1. Log in as an administrator to the computer.

  2. Open the SignUp Setup Assistant in the directory   /Library/Application Support/Pharos/Utilities.

  3. Click   Continue  until the Enable pane is shown.

  4. Click the   Disable  button and provide an administrator name and password when required to do so. You may have to enter this information multiple times.

  5. Complete the SignUp Setup Assistant and restart the computer.

SignUp Vx3 will now be disabled. To enable it again, log in as an administrator and run the SignUp Setup Assistant, as described in the Installation section.

Removing SignUp

To remove SignUp Vx3 from a computer, run the Pharos Uninstaller:

  1. Launch the Uninstaller application in   /Library/Application Support/Pharos/Utilities.

  2. Select Pharos SignUp Vx3 and any other Pharos components that you would like to uninstall, then click   Continue.

  3. A list of the selected items will be shown. Click   Continue.

  4. Type in an administrator user name and password when required to do so. The selected components will be removed from the computer.

  5. Click   Done  and restart the computer.

All files associated with SignUp Vx3 will now be removed from the computer. To reinstall SignUp Vx3, follow the steps described in the Installation section.


Pharos SignUp Vx3 for Mac OS X is different from the Windows version in a number of ways:

  • It does not support computer locking.

  • It does not display express user information on login.

Also note that if the software firewall (ipfw) on the computer is active, the following ports must all be opened for TCP traffic before SignUp is installed:

  • 2351

  • 2355

  • 28202

The firewall in Mac OS X is disabled by default. If it has not been manually activated, these ports will already be open.

Recent Changes

This update addresses the following issues:

Sep 2017:

  • Developer ID Certificates have been renewed for the Mac SignUp Client. This avoids an expiry warning that users might see when installing the SignUp Client on a new Mac computer.

  • A security issue has been discovered in the Mac Popup client by a researcher. We further investigated and found that the same vulnerability exist in Mac SignUp client and as such fixed Mac SignUp client as well. We therefore recommend that customers update their Mac SignUp clients to address this vulnerability.

    Impacted versions

    All Mac SignUp versions prior to 9.0.8. The Mac SignUp was included with Uniprint 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0 and 9.0R2


    Install the SignUp client package 9.0.8 or greater.

    Security Detail

    Impact: A maliciously crafted packet sent to the Mac SignUp client could result in memory corruption. Successful exploitation would result in arbitrary code being executed with root privileges on the workstation.
    Reference: CVE-2017-2785, CVE-2017-2787, CVE-2017-2788: Cisco - Talos Team.

    Impact: A maliciously crafted packet sent to the Mac SignUp client could crash the SignUp service on the workstation.
    Reference: CVE-2017-2786: Cisco - Talos Team.

Oct 2016:

  • When a client machine is rebooted during a user's session (e.g. due to a power failure), the client is reserved for the active user for one minute before allowing another session. This one minute period does not apply to sessions that end due to the Inactivity Timeout. The client is no longer reserved for one minute when the Reboot on Logoff setting is enabled, and the session ends due to inactivity.

  • Addressed a timing issue where Mac SignUp client could allow users to login even after their daily usage had expired.

  • Added a delay period when checking the Client Cache File Directory, to allow the path to become available. This can be necessary when the DeepFreeze thawspace is stored on a disk image that is mounted during system startup, as the path may not be available as soon as the SignUp Client starts. By default the client will allow 5 failures to access this path, and wait 10 seconds between attempts. These values can be adjusted as required using the following commands:

    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.pharos.signup "Cache Path Attempts" 5

    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.pharos.signup "Cache Path Delay" 10

Nov 2015:

  • Added support for Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

  • Addressed an issue where the Mac SignUp Client took longer to logon than in previous versions.

Jul 2015:

  • The Mac SignUp Client has been updated with new Pharos branding.

Dec 2014:

  • Added support for Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

  • Addressed an issue with the client not saving its configuration when disabled via the Nerve Center. This could cause disabled machines to appear available if the network was unavailable when rebooted. Now the Client Configuration is saved immediately after enabling or disabling.

Jul 2014:

  • A problem was corrected where certain applications could prevent proper termination of the SignUp session. If the application was launched by a secondary process that subsequently exited, the SignUp client would not terminate it, giving it the chance to interfere with the logout process. For example, this was found to be the case with MinecraftEdu and its launcher application.

Jun 2014:

  • Added support for SignUp on Mac OS X 10.9.

  • Note:  Since older SignUp Client does not work with Mac OS X 10.9, it is important to first upgrade existing SignUp Clients to this update before upgrading to Mac OS X 10.9.

Jul 2013:

  • SignUp Client allows to configure the log file location. Run following command to configure:

    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.pharos.signup "Client Logging Filepath" /new/path/to/logfile.txt

  • SignUp installer is updated to cleanup all files following uninstallation of the SignUp Client.

Nov 2012:

  • SignUp installer is updated to sign the application.

  • Reboot on Logoff  support is added for Mac SignUp client.

  • When the user manually reboot the machine, reservation will not be removed.

  • Librarians can now log in to the machine in out of hours (when the machine is disabled or outside of the access time).

  • SignUp Assistant doesn't prompt for the administrator credentials many times.

  • Improved SignUp Assistant to get clear message for enabling/disabling SignUp.

Jun 2012:

  • SignUp now works correctly on Mac OS X 10.7 and also addressed following:

    • The background color is set to blue (earlier it was white).

    • Disabled relaunch of Setup Assistant after the reboot.

    • Now the message dialog appears correctly when SignUp session starts up.

    • Version numbers in Pharos Administrator are displayed correctly.

  • SignUp now works correctly on Macs with 64-bit processors.

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