Reinstalling a BPE 5.0 Analyst when the Operational database and Data warehouse already exist
  • 23 Apr 2024
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Reinstalling a BPE 5.0 Analyst when the Operational database and Data warehouse already exist

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Article summary


When attempting to reinstall BPE 5.0 Analyst on a server and both the operational and data warehouse databases exist, the installers will display an Invalid Install Settings dialogue, after the SQL Server hosting the data warehouse has been configured, indicating that "The operational database is already installed."


The server hosting the BPE 5.0 Analyst services suffers a failure or the services need to be migrated to new hardware, requiring the BPE 5.0 Analyst components to be re-installed. The operational and data warehouse databases are either hosted on a remote SQL server not affected by the change to the Analyst server or have been restored from backup to a local SQL Server instance.

The existence of the data warehouse database will prevent the BPE 5.0 installers from re-installing the Analyst services.

To work around this issue it is necessary to temporarily re-name the data warehouse database and remove the existing data warehouse backup job created during the original install. This is to allow a fresh copy of the data warehouse database to be created by the installers, which is removed once the re-install has completed successfully.

Using SQL Management Studio

  • Connect to the SQL Server hosting the data warehouse database and expand the Databases context to display the list of hosted databases. Right click on the data warehouse database "psreports" and temporarily rename it "tmp_psreports"

  • Expand the SQL Server Agent -> Jobs context to display the list jobs configured on the server. Right click on the job named "Pharos Blueprint Data Warehouse Backup" and delete it.

The installers can now be run to re-install the BPE 5.0 Analyst, selecting "Install on an existing database" for the operational database as before. When configuring the SQL Server for the data warehouse database:

  • Select whether the SQL Server hosting the data warehouse is local or remote.

  • If the data warehouse was originally installed on a remote SQL Server, select remote and then enter the name of the SQL Server where it was installed, together with credentials that have permission to create the database.

  • When asked for the location of the data warehouse database files, enter a temporary file location, different to the location where original data warehouse database files were installed.

  • Lastly, when asked for the details of database user to access the data warehouse database, enter the same User ID and Password details that were entered during original install.

The re-install should now proceed successfully, but will create a fresh copy of the data warehouse database. After the re-install has completed, use SQL Management Studio to restore the original data warehouse database:

  • Connect to the SQL Server hosting the data warehouse. Right click on the newly created data warehouse database "psreports" and delete it, checking the "Close existing connections" option.

  • Right click on the original data warehouse database "tmp_psreports" and rename it back to "psreports".

Re-run the Blueprint Server Configuration tool, checking that the database connection tests for both the operational and data warehouse databases pass successfully.

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