Tracker error: "Call to server failed: 0x80044307 (Error in response - No response data available from the server)"
  • 01 Apr 2024
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Tracker error: "Call to server failed: 0x80044307 (Error in response - No response data available from the server)"

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Article summary


Call to server failed: 0x80044307 (Error in response - No response data available from the server)

This problem can be caused by the Tracker communicating on the incorrect port.

Check the port that is set in IIS for the default website on the Collector or Analyst.

Check the following if the settings.xml file


C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\PharosSystems\Blueprint\SettingsCache

Check the following entry and make sure it is set to the same port



If the port is incorrect on the client but correct on the server, create and deploy a repair package

Keep in mind that you change from port 80 to a specific port, make sure that the new port is open. The can be tested by using the telnet command from a client to the server using the IP address and port.

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