Uniprint: Unable to print zero length job errors
  • 10 Apr 2024
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Uniprint: Unable to print zero length job errors

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Article summary


We see the Alert 29044 in Pharos Alerts which translates to "Unable to print zero length job" happening on our Pharos server and we're not sure why this is happening.  The print jobs in question from the clients have content in them but fail to print and this is the error we receive.


In order for the Pharos Print Server to accept and print zero-length print jobs, a registry setting must be made.

  1. Launch Regedit and browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432NODE\Pharos\Print Server

  2. Within this key, is a value, Zero Length Jobs. By default, it's value is 0, which means to "not allow." Change this to a 1

  3. Quit the Registry.

  4. Restart the Pharos Print Server service.

NOTE: The zero-length job is normally some combination of driver and application, notably Adobe Acrobat (any edition, including Reader), but Microsoft Word will do this too. Note that allowing zero-length print jobs to print will reduce user complaint, but these jobs may often print for free. Be aware that the existence of the zero-length spool file is not something caused by Pharos, but is outside of our application and within the Spooler subsystem of Windows.

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