Uniprint: Using Pharos Popups the Notify dialog not appearing on the client machine
  • 25 Jun 2024
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Uniprint: Using Pharos Popups the Notify dialog not appearing on the client machine

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Article summary


When printing from a client machine I am not seeing the Notification dialog with any of the the messages like the "Job Cost", to "Accept the Job" or my custom Notify message. When I look in the Pharos Alerts I see the Alert below.

"Unable to send cost information to user"


The Pharos Alert you see is due to the Uniprint Server (Pharos Print Service) is not able to connect to the Client (Mac or Windows machine) on TCP Port 28201 to send the notification information. The client is either not listening on that port or something is preventing the communications from the server to the client.


Answer: It is possible as well that the client is not listening on the required TCP Port on Windows client machines, if so then there are steps at the bottom you can take to try and reset the clients listening port. 

Step 1.

Verify that the client machine is listening port 28201 using the command below. NETSTAT -AON | FINDSTR 28201 Your result will look like this.    

Step 2.

Verify that the server can connect to the client machine on port 28201.
TELNET Ip.Add.ress.OfClient 28201 (Example TELNET 28201)
Your result will look similar to this.


Windows Clients Only:

There were a few odd cases where the Listener Socket for notify would failed to start (step 1 above fails), something environmental like anti-virus applications preventing it from doing so. You can try to reset the Notify TCP Listener socket on an affected machine if it is not found to be listening on TCP Port 28201 by following the below steps on a client machine.

  1. On an affected machine, where Notify doesn't listen on TCP port 28201, open a Windows Command Prompt as an administrator

  2. Change your working directory to "C:\Program Files (x86)\PharosSystems\Core"

  3. Run the command: UserServer.exe -regserver

  4. Run the command: regsvr32 NotifyTask.dll

  5. Restart the "Pharos Systems ComTaskMaster" service

  6. Use "netstat" to confirm that Notify listens on TCP 28201 now

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