Logging the PharosAPI at Debug Level instead of only errors.
  • 18 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Logging the PharosAPI at Debug Level instead of only errors.

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Article summary

How do I enable Debug level logging for the Pharos API (PharosAPI)?

If you wish to see enable additional debug logging for the Pharos API component you will need to edit its configuration file called "PharosSystems.API.config". This file is located in the directory below.


  1. Open the PharosSystems.API.config file in notepad with administrator privileges.

  2. Locate each of the following lines, there are several of them.


  3. Replace it with the below change.


  4. Save the file, the change will be taken immediately as the PharosAPAI will update its configuration as it can detect when you save the file.

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