Dotnet Core 6 update
  • 15 Apr 2024
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Dotnet Core 6 update

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Article summary

Before You Start

  • This hot-fix should be applied to installations using Uniprint Suite 9.2.


This update affects the IPP Service and the Secure Printer Provisioning Service and should be applied to all machines running the Pharos Print Services.


The Pharos IPP Service (used by the Pharos Chrome extension) and the Secure Printer Provisioning Service (used as part of the Sentry Print feature) depend on Microsoft's Dotnet Core. The previous dependency version (dotnet core 3.1.3) has been deprecated, so the dependency version used by these services has been updated to 6.0.15 to maintain security support. The dotnet core hosting bundle (version 6.0.15, or later version of 6.x) must be installed in conjunction with the associated updates to the Uniprint IPP and Provisioning services. The updates can be applied in any order.

  • The dotnet core 6 hosting bundle can be found on the Uniprint hotfix downloads page: Uniprint Service Packs and Hot Fixes

  • The IPP Service, which receives jobs from the Pharos Chrome extension, is updated using an msi installer, which can be found on the Uniprint hotfixes downloads pages (link above).

  • The Secure Printer Provisioning Service is updated as part of the Print Center update, version 5.0.24 or later. The Print Center is offered as an update via the Updater Service. For servers with access to the Internet, the update is automatically available via the Updater Service context in Pharos Administrator. For servers without Internet access, instructions can be found for the update on the Uniprint hotfixes downloads page (link above).

To apply the dotnet core update on servers:

  1. Download the file from the Pharos Hot Fixes web page.

  2. In the properties of the zip file, choose to unblock, and then unzip the file.

  3. Copy the dotnet-hosting-6.0.15-win.exe file to each Pharos Print Server and run the .exe

    • Note: The install may require a restart of the machine following completion.

  4. Update the Uniprint IPP Service and Print Center as noted above.

The application of this update constitutes acceptance of the conditions specified in your license agreement. To view the license agreement, please refer to the license.rtf file on your Pharos CD.

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