Pharos Blueprint: Enable stapling and hole punching in the IPP Service's print queue
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Pharos Blueprint: Enable stapling and hole punching in the IPP Service's print queue

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Article summary


The information in this article supports the following products:

  • Blueprint Enterprise 5.3 Update 2

  • Blueprint Enterprise 5.3 Update 3


The queue provided by the Pharos IPP Service does not include options for stapling or hole punching.


On each Blueprint Collector being used for IPP printing:

  1. Stop the Pharos Systems TaskMaster service and Windows IIS.

  2. Launch Notepad or some other text editing utility as an administrator.

  3. Open GlobalConfig.xml found in C:\ProgramData\PharosSystems\Blueprint.

  4. Locate the <IPPConfig> section within the <SecureReleaseConfig> section.

  5. Insert the following as a child element of <Attrs>:

<Attr key="enum finishings-supported">none,staple,staple-top-left,staple-top-right,staple-dual-left,staple-dual-right,staple-dual-top,edge-stitch,punch,punch-dual-left,punch-dual-right,punch-dual-top,punch-dual-bottom,punch-triple-left,punch-triple-right,punch-triple-top,booklet-maker,fold,fold-half,fold-letter</Attr>

When this has been added, save GlobalConfig.xml and restart the Pharos Systems TaskMaster service and Windows IIS.

NOTE: The code block above adds support for stapling, hole punching, and folding. To only enable one or another or a combination, include only those options for "enum finishings-supported".

NOTE: If you have deployed the Windows IPP queue, that queue will need to be recreated, as printer attributes are only captured at the time the queue is installed.

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