How do I update the HP printer firmware with the Pharos HP iMFP software installed?
  • 18 Apr 2024
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How do I update the HP printer firmware with the Pharos HP iMFP software installed?

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Article summary

How do I update the HP printer firmware with the Pharos HP iMFP software installed?

The printer firmware is updated by transmitting the appropriate RFU file to the engine. Once the file has been uploaded, the MFP will process it. Once completed, the engine will need to be restarted and the selected firmware will be installed.

Note: It is best to remove the Pharos application BEFORE updating the printer firmware. Although there is no known issue in updating the firmware with the Pharos application running, it is the recommended procedure.

To update the printer firmware:

  1. Remove the Pharos application from the printer before starting either by using the installation application and selecting Remove or by initializing the disk in the HP (see application note).

  2. Point a web browser at the IP address of the printer

  3. From the Information tab choose the Print option

  4. In the Option 1 section click the Browse button and select the desired RFU file to download

  5. With the RFU file selected click Apply

  6. The firmware will be transmitted to the printer

  7. The printer will display that it is updating its firmware

  8. Cycle power on the printer when instructed

  9. Once the printer has restarted, verify that the desired firmware has been installed

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