Konica Minolta Management Console would fail to manage devices.
  • 03 Apr 2024
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Konica Minolta Management Console would fail to manage devices.

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Article summary

When attempting to manage a Konica Minolta device, the install from the Konica Minolta Management Console would fail at random points in the installation.

Messages recieved where:

A Web Exception occured during setup: Unable to connect to the remote server
Installation failed due to communication error.: Could not communicate with <Device IP Address>

Print application failed to set up correctly: Unable to connect to the remote server
Setup failed. The print app was not installed on the device
Installation Failed.

This issue can be caused by (there can be other causes) a second network card being enabled on the server and/or potentially not configured properly for the connected network.  Correcting the network details for that network interface could resolve this issue.

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