How to repress dollar value balances on Pharos Stations
  • 01 Apr 2024
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How to repress dollar value balances on Pharos Stations

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Article summary

Customer states that students are asking for the balance of funds in their account at the end of the school year, but their policy is not to refund from the accounts.

How can the Pharos Station repress dollar values and instead reflect the number of remaining pages a student has left?

Pharos Stations cannot reflect pages remaining due to the various job attributes and other factors a student may choose at time of printing.

Instead, the customer could set Windows regional settings, to display currency as "Unit=" and remove the 2 decimal places.. thus making the balance appear as just a number, not dollars. "Unit= 20", which is actually reflecting the student balance as $20.00, but not directly.

A comment could also be added to the station, using Colorscheme.exe to state - One Unit = approximately 10 pages.

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