Uniprint 9.1 Pharos Station Revision 375
  • 13 Jun 2024
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Uniprint 9.1 Pharos Station Revision 375

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Article summary

This update addresses known issues with Uniprint 9.1.

Before You Start

  • This hot-fix should only be applied to installations using Uniprint Suite 9.1.


This update affects the Pharos Station and should be applied to Pharos Station machines.

To apply the update:

  1. On the Pharos Station machine on which you wish to apply the update, close the Pharos Station application.

  2. Run the supplied PharosStationInstaller.exe executable.

  3. The version number of the PStation.exe file in the Pharos\Bin folder will now be 9.1.9474.375.

  4. Restart the Pharos Station application.

The file version of the new Installer is 9.1.9474.375.

To update the locally held copy of the SignUp Client Installer:

  • The installer for the Pharos Station is stored on each machine where Pharos Administrator is installed. This file should be updated on each Administrator machine if the update is desired for future Pharos Station installs:

    • On each Pharos Administrator machine, copy the SignUpClientInstaller.exe file to the Pharos\Client Installers directory, overwriting the existing file.

The application of this update constitutes acceptance of the conditions specified in your license agreement. To view the license agreement, please refer to the license.rtf file on your Pharos CD.


This update addresses the following issues:

  • A keep alive ping has been added to the Station to ensure server connectivity is retained in network environments where connections may be ended when seen as idle. This ensures the station does not show a 'Reconnecting' message after sitting idle for a period of time.

  • When using a Jamex Coin Box: If coins are returned, the balance is now updated to zero. In unauthenticated configurations, using the plunger to return the coins also causes the user to be logged out; but if the user releases a print job and so reduces the balance to zero, the user's session continues. After applying the hot fix, the file jamex.dll (in the Pharos\Bin folder) will have version number 9.1.9700.0.

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