Uniprint 9.1 SignUp Client Revision 374
  • 13 Jun 2024
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Uniprint 9.1 SignUp Client Revision 374

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Article summary

This update provides a new option for logons in SignUp in Uniprint 9.1. It should be applied at sites where this option is wanted.


The update affects the SignUp Client, and should be applied to all SignUp Client machines.

To apply the update on a SignUp Client machine:

  1. Log on as a local administrator, using the Administrator Logon (Ctrl-click) option if SignUp Client is already installed.

  2. Run the supplied SignUpClientInstaller.exe executable.

  3. The version number of the installer file is 9.1.9474.374.

  4. Restart the SignUp Client machine.

To update the locally held copy of the SignUp Client Installer:

To update the locally held copy of the SignUp Client Installer:

  • The installer for Pharos SignUp Client is stored on each machine where Pharos Administrator is installed. This file should be updated on each Administrator machine if the update is desired for future SignUp Client installs:

    • On each Pharos Administrator machine, copy the SignUpClientInstaller.exe file to the Pharos\Client Installers directory, overwriting the existing file.

The application of this update constitutes acceptance of the conditions specified in your license agreement. To view the license agreement, please refer to the license.rtf file on your Pharos CD.


This update addresses the following issues:

  • If the Logon ID (or username) entered by a user when logging onto SignUp Client contains either "\" or "@", it is interpreted as consisting of a username and a domain name. The part interpreted as the domain name is then used as the domain name for the purpose of logging onto Windows; if it is different from the actual domain name, the result is usually a failed logon. This behavior is by design, but some people wish to use SignUp in ways incompatible with it.

  • This update makes it possible to specify what domain the SignUp Client will use for logging onto Windows when using Common Guest Accounts (configured in Pharos Administrator > SignUp > SignUp Global Settings > LAN Logons). This is done by setting the Network Logon property in Pharos Administrator > SignUp > Environments to a value of the form domain\username. The part of this value before the "\" is then treated as the domain name to use for logging onto Windows. Alternately, the Network Logon property may be given a value of the form \username; this causes the SignUp Client to log on to Windows using an account in whatever is the computer's primary domain, notwithstanding that part of the Logon ID that the user typed is interpreted as a domain name. (The form "username@domain" is not supported for this property.)

  • Warning: Setting an Environment's "Network Logon" property to contain "\" as described above will prevent every User whose User Group uses that Environment from logging onto any SignUp Client to which this update has not been applied.

  • The change made in this update will not affect systems using the global setting "LAN accounts only".

This update also includes the fixes to various issues included in previous updates:

  • Previously, if a user locked the computer and then the user's session reached the "Time Low" threshold prior to unlocking, the warning message shown after unlocking reported an incorrect figure for the number of minutes remaining. The warning message has now been corrected.

  • When the user locks the computer, SignUp Client ensures that the dialog with information about the locked session appears immediately, without the user first needing to click the mouse button or press a key on the keyboard to remove a Windows lock screen.

  • In some circumstances, if the user canceled an attempt to unlock a computer, the text describing the computer's locked status was displayed in a different fontsize and truncated. This behavior has been corrected.

  • The current Pharos Systems logo that is shown when a user is logging onto a computer, instead of an old logo not used in other components of Uniprint 9.1.

  • In previous hot fix revisions, in order to apply the hot fix on a computer on which both an earlier revision of the Uniprint 9.1 SignUp Client and Deep Freeze (a drive integrity utility sold by Faronics) were installed, it was necessary to run the installer in its default manner, using the install wizard. If the alternative of entering parameters on the command line was attempted, the installer to refused to run. This hot fix corrects that problem; the hot fix installer is equally capable of running in either mode.

  • In some cases (especially on Windows 10), when the client computer was locked, in previous versions of SignUp Client it was necessary to enter the user's credentials multiple times before the computer was unlocked and the user could resume working. In this revision, the computer is unlocked the first time that the user's credentials are correctly entered.

  • SignUp Client produces additional logging, especially in areas relevant to the icon in the system notification area of the taskbar.

  • Improved handling of Signup Client logon on Windows 10, including correcting a problem that sometimes caused the Startup Notice to be displayed twice. The Startup Notice is now displayed only once (except when a problem with the logon process is so severe that the user must enter the logon password again).

  • In some earlier revisions, ending a user's session by certain means (e.g. by using the command-line tool shutdown.exe with appropriate parameters) resulted in the computer being reserved for the same user for one minute, as it would be after a reboot. In such scenarios, the computer is now immediately available for the next user once the logoff has been completed.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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