Uniprint 9.2 Print Server Update Rev 328
  • 13 Jun 2024
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Uniprint 9.2 Print Server Update Rev 328

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Article summary

Print Service updates are cumulative. This update includes the previously released Print Service 9.2.10000.271 plus new fixes and improvements.

Before You Start

  • This hot-fix should be applied to installations using Uniprint Suite 9.2.


The update affects the Print Server and should be applied to all machines running the Pharos Print Service.

The Print Service is offered as an update via the Updater Service. For servers with access to the Internet, the update is automatically available via the Updater Service context in Pharos Administrator.

To apply the update on servers which do not have access to the Internet:

  1. Download the 9.2.10000.328-PrintServerUpdate.zip file from the Pharos Hot Fixes web page.

  2. In the properties of the zip file, choose to unblock and then unzip the file.

  3. The zip file contains three files. All three files are required for the Print Service update to be available:

    1. Uniprint.PrintService.9.2.1000.328

    2. Uniprint.LPD.Service.194.nupkg

    3. Uniprint.SecureRelease.Service.

  4. Copy the unzipped contents (all three .nupkg files) and paste into the following location on the Principal Server (the server hosting the Pharos Database Service):


  5. Note: Copying the package files onto the Principal Server will make the Print Service update available to all Pharos Print Servers on the site. If you are unable to copy the packages to the Principal Server, then they will need to be copied to the same ..\cache-v2.0\ location on each Print Server.

  6. Open the Pharos Administrator application and access the Updater Service context under System.

  7. The Print Service update should now be listed as an update for all Print Server machines.

  8. Click to Download, and then Install the package on all Pharos Print Servers.

The application of this update constitutes acceptance of the conditions specified in your license agreement. To view the license agreement, please refer to the license.rtf file on your Pharos CD.


This update addresses the following issues:

  • Cashcard reader job 'processing' state. When using cardreaders at Pharos Stations, if a job release failed due to insufficient funds, the job would be set to a 'processing' state indefinitely and could no longer be managed by admin users via the Pharos Print Center. This update resolves this issue when used in conjunction with Pharos Station 9.2.10000.327 or later.

For details on all improvements and bug fixes to the Print Server, please see the 9.2 Release Notes information in the Pharos Help Center

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