Uniprint Suite - Error: "Failed to load Result.txt file"
  • 19 Mar 2024
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Uniprint Suite - Error: "Failed to load Result.txt file"

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Article summary

The error message "Failed to load Result.txt file" occurs when installing a client package with a custom module that does not create the results.txt file. To resolve this issue and allow successful installation, go to Pharos Administrator, navigate to Distribution System > Packages > Custom Modules, select the module, go to Module Behavior, and check "Module does not write results.txt file." This action will prevent the error and enable the package to install properly.

What does the error message "Failed to load Result.txt file" mean when trying to install a client package containing a custom package?

All Pharos-supplied modules produce a file called results.txt, which contains information about the success or failure of the module's install. Custom modules can produce a results.txt file as well. However, if this error occurs the custom module does not create this file.

To stop this error and allow the package to install successfully open Pharos Administrator and go to:

Distribution System->Packages->Custom Modules->Select the module->Module Behavior (on properties tab) and check “Module does not write results.txt file”

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