Unable to start Pharos License Server service: error "Failed to start listener."
  • 18 Mar 2024
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Unable to start Pharos License Server service: error "Failed to start listener."

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Article summary

Unable to start Pharos License Server service: error "Failed to start listener."

When trying to start the Pharos License Server service, it fails with the error "Failed to start listener."

The Pharos License Server log shows the error "Socket Error Looking up Server Port. Service Name: pslserver, Error Code: 11004."

The application of a Microsoft Windows service pack or hot fix, or the installation of another software application, may result in the list of Pharos ports in the services file being removed.

To fix this issue, modify the services file ( C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\services ) with a text editor such as Notepad and add the following entries to the bottom of the file:

psdbserver 2355/tcp

pslserver 2352/tcp

pslpdsvr 515/tcp

Save the changes and the Pharos License Server should now be able to start.

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