Logging the Pharos Signup Client for Windows 7 and greater OS's
  • 10 Apr 2024
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Logging the Pharos Signup Client for Windows 7 and greater OS's

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Article summary

How to log the Pharos SignUp Client on a Windows 7 and greater OS.  

Uniprint 8.2 and later

There are 3 specific registry keys used to enable detailed logging on a Uniprint Signup client.  The attached zip file (SignUp Client Logging Registry Keys.zip) will create 3 files.

  1. The Signup Client log
    This log contains information on the client and its communications to the server.

  2. The Signup CP Log
    This log contains information on some of the underlying components of the client provider mechanism.

  3. The Signup UI log
    This log contains information on the User Interface of the client.

These 3 log files will be created in the directory "c:\windows\temp\pharoslogs".

This directory must be manually created on the client machine.  If you are using a PC State software such as Faronics Deepfreeze or Clean Slate then the registry keys may need to be modified to point to a folder in the "Safe Space" of the client system so they do not get deleted when the client machine reboots and the PC is reverted back to a "clean state".

The 3 log file names will be:

  1. signupclient-log.txt

  2. signupCP-log.txt

  3. signupUI-log.txt

After applying the registry keys you will need to restart the client PC.

To delete all the logs files created and start with a new set you will need to stop the "Pharos SignUp Client" Windows service, delete the files and then restart the service.  

Uniprint 8.1

There is currently an issue with logging the signup client as it does not produce a Signup Client log but will produce 2 other logs those being the UILog and the CPLog

The issue seems to be with the logsetter tool and how logging is done on Vista and Windows 7 machines.

Included is a tool that can be used called "remotetracer" (see attachment)

  1. What you need to do is get this exe on a machine somewhere.  The server is probably a good choice, since it will need to run uninterrupted for a while.  On the server, run it from the command prompt.  It may tell you it needs additional configuration to work properly (i.e. adding a pipe name to the registry).  Update the registry if needed and exit the program, and run it again like this:
    remotetracer > clientlog.txt

  2. Now on the SignUp client to be logged, browse to HKLM\Software\Pharos\SignUp Client\Log and add a new REG_SZ value called "PipeName".  Set this value to "\\server\pipe\remotetracerpipe".  The other values should be as you would typically set for file logging (level 5, options 31, types 15, etc... if in doubt, use the logsetter and make sure all checkboxes are enabled, then add the PipeName afterward).  After this, reboot the client and when it restarts you should see clientlog.txt on the server begin to increase in size.

    While this is going on, make sure we are still writing the CP, UI, and SUServer logs.

    There are two additional keys for client logging on Vista/W7, for logging different components.These are for the Credential Provider (CP Log) and Client UI (UI Log) components. Instead of a 'Log' subkey (HKLM\Software\Pharos\SignUp Client\Log), you create one called CP Log (HKLM\Software\Pharos\SignUp Client\CP Log) and one called UI Log (HKLM\Software\Pharos\SignUp Client\UI Log).

    The UI component is basically just the clock icon and popup messages, so logging that is not too interesting. If you do decide to log the UI component, that process runs as the user and so requires a log location the user can write to. The other one (CP Log) logs little more than function traces, but logs with system privileges.

    The two new subkeys use the same format as the original Log key, so the easiest thing to do is set logs using the logsetter, then export that subkey (HKLM\Software\Pharos\SignUp Client\CP Log) and modify it to create the same values under the new names.

    This should get you logs of the SignUp Client.

    There are two folders in the zip file, one for 32-bit clients, and another for 64-bit clients.

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